Nov 25, 2012 22:14
Well, we got our tree today. Nice fat, full tree that for once doesn't need to have a foot taken off the bottom so the angel can fit on top. It's probably a good thing, because it was kind of chilly today, but Friday, which is when we normally would have gotten it, was freezing. Seriously, I know. November, Indiana, not exactly a hard thing to imagine.
Anyway, we got our tree--mom and I picked it out, Dad cut it down, Josh hauled it over to the truck, all's good. Got it shaken and bailed, as usual. Funny part was that the bailer twine ran out early, so they had to do it again. Well, a while ago--I'm the one who tightens screws on the tree in the stand so it'll hold up--I began pulling the twine off the tree. It settled out nicely (like I said, nice fat tree) and I'm stuck underneath, still trying to untangle the twine.
So I'm stuck underneath, with the only things sticking out being my lower legs. Mom came in while I was under there and made some crack about "Well, it's not a house, but..." when she saw my feet sticking out. I was compared to the Wicked Witch of the East, which of course, in my mind led me back to a fic I read recently.
It was a Supernatural fic, and Sam and Dean were trying to get rid of a witch. They tried everything, but she basically laughed at them. Then Dean got a truck with one of those parts of a house and dumped it on top of her. That was how the fic began, there was something about a curse thing, can't remember what it was, but I just thought that bit was hilarious.