It's time to come out of the nerd closet

Jul 28, 2010 22:26

Tonight's Psych was so made of win. Oh, and I went down to the lounge in our building to watch it when it AIRED. I'm really happy I did that. ^_^

OMFG, Dennis made this episode. His nerd cave was beautiful. And then his wife. I really loved their happy ending. Nerd/Geek Love. What could be more beautiful? Psych is always filled with fantastic characters.

I also liked the Lassie parts this episode. The police station in general wasn't in it much, but they still gave us some good insights into Lassie's life. I loved the list he keeps, and whatever was in his internet history that made Gus say "That man needs Jesus." I look forward to the commentary on this episode when the DVDs come out.

And a meme from just_bolognese:

Name first 5 fandoms that come to your mind. Your flist is supposed to write which character per fandom you're the most like, according to them. It's about the character you're the most like, not the one you like the most!

Answer whatever you can. And please be honest!

1. Sengoku Basara
2. Persona 4
3. Metal Gear
4. Psych
5. Tales of the Abyss

tv, meme

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