A strange path.

Jan 24, 2007 01:38

I have decided that I'm gonna spend all the time that I'm bored to write out my life. Or at least what parts I can remember. I'm not sure why I thought about doing this, and I'll most likely get it wrong, but this is my idea and I feel I should do it. I don't really care who reads this, and I am almost sure no one will. But, this is what I have decided to do with my little piece of the internet and if you don't like it.... well. There's plenty of other pieces of internets for you to fester on. 
PS- I will not edit spelling in the least.

If you want to search for a part of the story (cause it'll be in semi-backwards order) hold down CTRL and hit the F key, then type in the part that you're on. (Part 1, part 2, ect)

Part 1: Born-Kindergaurden.

This is (with out a doubt) the fuzziest time of my life. I don't remember nearly anything. I remember once I woke up, crying and being so happy that I was alive. It felt like I was born that day, but I was clearly 4+ years old. That's my oldest memory. I now have some crazy theories as to what happened. One is that I had a ghost someone enter my body, but only gain very minor controll. Another is that A ghost took my body over and took over most the controll. The reason I think that is I have a little voice in my head (maybe it's me?) that tells me the answers to things. But... it can't read. That's why I have to read everything outloud-in my head, as well as the reason I'm bad at spelling(because it can't tell me how to spell). And the third, and most likely answer is that I just had a bad dream, and I want to feel special so I make up stuff that seems semi-plasable to be such.
    Anyways, as I said I only have a few little memories. One invloves me going up to my cusions house up in Northern Washington (I lived in Salem at the time) with their Grandparents. It was a very long and boring drive, and it involved getting stuck/lost in a forest. I don't remember getting there or even leaving, I just remember that bit.
    Another memory was when I was very little, my father (kyle) did a side-job and got me a puppy. He was a chinese pug, and we named him Brownie. He quickly became my best friend. At that time in my life I had very few friends, none in fact. All I had were the adults that put up with me.
    I also remember a fire. We were living at my grandparents, and I was playing the NES at the time. I think I was playing the turtles(Teenage mutant turtles) video game. There was a fire in the chimny and they had to call the fire department. I was so worried that my presious little game system would be burnt. I was very into games at the time, mostly because you didn't have to have friends to enjoy games. So I could have fun by myself. It was also something I was quite good at, so I took pride in it.
    I belive that's all there is to know about me before I was in some sort of schoolings. The other knowlage of me at this age is all second hand from my mother. Like when I threw sand at a little kids eyes because he was near me, or the fact that I won games off our neighbors by beating them at games (when I was less than 4). There's a few more second hand memories too, like the wolf who someone owned that hated everyone but it's owner and me, or that I once ate an entire dish of cat food. I suppose it's for the best that I don't remember though, I think we moved a lot and there were a lot of fights between my mother and Kyle. And they didn't end here, nor did they end anytime soon. But I'll leave that for another day.
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