I am seriously disturbed by the misinformation re Japan...

Mar 15, 2011 10:52

Reading this morning that some BC residents are buying Potassium Iodide pills to combat potential nuclear radiation from Japan has prompted me to post.

THERE IS NO DANGER to those living in BC (never mind the fact that those in Tokyo and many other regions are NOT in danger either). What is happening at Fukushima is NOT Chernobyl or even Three Mile Island.

PLEASE, I urge everyone to ...get their facts straight. STOP listening to CNN, FOX and other Western news media. Grab a Map of Japan (there are plenty on the Internet) and LEARN the Geography. The reason that news may feel "sluggish" coming from Japan is because unlike Western media, the Japanese prefer to have actual facts to share and NOT whip their people up into a frenzy. Western news is often reporting 1-2 day old news, and then sensationalizing it.

As you all know, I have some strong connections to Japan. Everyone I know in Japan is FINE. My heart goes out to and thoughts are with everyone in Japan (and who has loved ones in Japan) during this difficult time.

Without sounding callous, there is very little by way of major entertainment, financial, production and political significance where the Earthquake and Tsunami have caused damage. The organized rolling power blackouts designed to effectively distribute diminished power available are NOT even including Tokyo in its list.

JAPAN HAS REBUILT itself twice in the past century. They will do so again. The massive loss of life is deeply saddening (but could have been worse in any other country, where they are not anywhere near as prepared as the Japanese). The potential for further destruction is ongoing (evidenced by the quake this morning in Shizuoka WHICH I will add has not yet been reported to have any lasting effects nor caused damage).

Regarding the NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS AT FUKUSHIMA, they are slowly coming under control. The PM of Japan took TEPCO to task for their initial ineffective response, but you must understand that everything that could go wrong did. HOWEVER, the worst is likely over with respect to radiation.


A US navy ship DID NOT receive radiation from Fukushima. A couple helicopters from the ship that were part of operations at the plant were exposed to radiation briefly but the people inside the helicopter are FINE.

THERE IS NO SWATH OF RADIATION HEADING TOWARDS Tokyo. There was a temporary and brief increase in radiation recorded in some areas, including Tokyo, but nothing harmful! End of story.

All persons from 0-20Km from Fukushima plants have been evacuated.

Persons at 20-30Km from the Fukushim plants are instructed to remain inside, windows closed, no air conditioning etc.

Only one station (No. 2) is truly problematic at this point.

The above instructions have been in place for the past 10 hours and have not been updated.


If you want to know reality, please refer to the links below:

http://www.jibtv.com/ -- LIVE NEWS in ENGLISH from Japan

http://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/ -- NHK, national News from Japan, in English

http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704893604576198421680697248.html -- an article about why Fukushima will NOT be Chernobyl

http://mitnse.com/ -- science of nuclear at Fukushima explained

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