Hunting the Rogues

May 16, 2005 21:19

A good hunter must always be prepared. I spent the day exercising followed by a relaxing bath and a short nap before sunset. I felt fully prepared for the evening, and dressed appropriately for the occassion. Black trousers, black boots, white shirt, black vest and of course my cape, black, lined in red. Not a hair out of place, I leap gracefully ( Read more... )

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klaus_helsing May 17 2005, 22:54:36 UTC
She's still touching me...and she says it's fine. She'll stay here ( ... )


not_your_victim May 17 2005, 22:59:30 UTC
Yow, lookit that, vampires can be co-dependant too!

Klaus is positively SUPPLICATING over there, and Lucard... Lucard. Even completely screwed over, torn clothes, hair mussed - unfair that he should still look that good. More importantly, he's clearly FEELING better.

Mmm. Maybe I don't want to be around when he's really recovered. My gut instinct is to run away, quickly, before they decided it's time for a midnight snack.

But I just don't think that's going to HAPPEN now. Maybe.

Or maybe the clam chowder was spiked and I didn't realize it.

Regardless, I'm going to have to do something soon, because my back is hurting like a mother and I don't think the tylenol is going to cut it. That, and the fawning going on by Lucard.

I swear if they start fucking I'm throwing myself out the window.


xanderlucard May 18 2005, 00:04:46 UTC
I pull Klaus down to the couch, keeping one hand on the small of his back while the other rests on the couch arm. This is... awkward ( ... )


klaus_helsing May 18 2005, 00:30:19 UTC
It takes a few seconds to summon Felix and I give him the orders Alexander gave to me. He doesn't want me to move, so I don't. Apparently, I'm now on guard duty.

I don't think we have anything to fear from Carolyn. She's a friend, after all. And Alex sure looks a mess.

Tsking a bit at his state, I set to fixing his hair, picking out the dried bits of blood from him. He can't stand being messy and it's easier to concentrate on this than anything else.

Felix soon returns with the morphine. I guess I hit Carolyn a bit harder than...than what? Than I thought? Than I intended to? At least I didn't use my claws.

At least I didn't break her spine.


not_your_victim May 18 2005, 01:27:29 UTC
Morphine? I nearly laugh at him. Yeah, right, SURE I'm going to take Morphine and be floating delightfully above the nasty vampires and agreeing to only God knows what as we talk. Nooooo thank you ( ... )


xanderlucard May 18 2005, 05:05:10 UTC
Her blood? Her blood helped? I swallow hard and ... yes, I can taste something foreign. So Miss Elmhurst is a virgin. How pure. How wonderful.

"I'm in your debt."

One. One favor. I do hope she calls it quickly as I hate being in debt to anyone. It's most annoying.

"No doubt you'll want to wait on your repayment."

I let out a most undignified groan as I swing my legs off the couch, stand, and stretch. I do this slowly, of course, as falling immediately after standing would be rather embarrassing. Muscles stretched and bones popped (I fear I'm getting old), I sit back down, feeling almost refreshed. I'm still sore and I'm in no condition to do much more than sit and wait for everything to heal, but the conversation to follow should be amusing.

"Do you need help standing, Miss Elmhurst? Perhaps someone to help you to your room?" I give Klaus a slight nudge. There seems to be an unfinished conversation between them and I don't feel like getting in the way. Besiding which, I need time alone to reflect on exactly what happened.


not_your_victim May 18 2005, 05:10:25 UTC
YES. So now he gave me his word, AND he knows he owes me. I feel almost safe.

"I will, yes. Nothing personal, Monsieur, but I'm really in no mental state to know what to ask for. I thank you for your kindness, sir." No bow. Even THINKING of bowing hurts.

Stand? Eeeeew. That requires muscular coordination.

"I might need... some help," I admit. I glance at Klaus; gods, he's going to be even more miserable when I admit this, but I really need to. "Perhaps what I need, to be perfectly honest, is a doctor." I wince; please don't take this as "The Favor," just a guest requiring some extra-special hospitality.

And Klaus: please, for crying out loud, don't implode.


klaus_helsing May 18 2005, 08:08:00 UTC
Ignoring the nudge Alexander gives me...

Yes, Alex, I'll help her. I've been helping her. I'll get her, dammit!

...I'm able to concentrate on their conversation. Smart girl. No wonder she was willing to aid Alexander as well as wait for him to wake up. Counting on his own nobility and respect. Ah, but she's good at finding chinks in armor.

She needs a doctor. Goddammit...

Abandoning my position at Alexander's side, he is up and walking after all, I go back over to Carolyn and, without waiting for permission, kneel down and pick her up, being mindful of her aches.

"I'll take you to the nearest guest room and call up a doctor." I can't resist a slight grin. "Don't struggle this time. Don't want you to hurt yourself." This is the second time today she's been in my arms. I can get used to this.


not_your_victim May 18 2005, 08:13:10 UTC
I can't help but smile a little, pleased that at least he's recovered enough to joke. Okay, so things I've learned today:

1. Angry Klaus is bad.

2. Depressed Klaus is almost worse.

3. Noooo wriggling, got it.

"Don't worry, I won't," I tell him, managing NOT to sound as strained as I could. My back is sort of throbbing now, very unpleasantly, but certainly better than the stabbing pains from before. Hm, I think it's matching my heartbeat. Ah, sweeet music...

I wave cheerfully at Lucard as we leave the room. Why not? Might as well play my part to the hilt, as long as I'm here. Certainly can't say I didn't go out with a bang.

The guest room is very nice. Different from the one Lucard gave me as Amber; classier. Thank God.

Those chiffon curtains were of da deebil.

"Thank you, Klaus."


klaus_helsing May 18 2005, 08:19:06 UTC
"You're welcome." I deposit her down on the bed, careful not to lay her directly onto her back. "With any luck, a doctor should be here shortly. A human doctor, of course."

Which I'd pay for. This was due to me hurting her. I can still fix it.

Pausing in the doorway, I turn and look back at her. "Are you really all right with what happened? I didn't want you to see that. I'm not proud of it. Normally, I'm more in control." Liar. Absolute liar. I'm never in control when I'm like that.

The only time when Alexander wasn't around to snap me out of it had been after the fight with Nosferatu. And the only reason why I stopped then was because I...I had to die.

"I said I wouldn't hurt you before. I don't know how to make this up to you."


not_your_victim May 18 2005, 08:26:44 UTC
Lying here on my side, watching him in the doorway, my hair spread out on the pillow and his face warm with concern, I almost feel... normal.

Careful, Carolyn. That is one dangerous little illusion you're playing with.

"I'm fine, Klaus," I tell him. How could I explain? He's a vampire. A monster. He's Klaus, yes, but Klaus IS a vampire. I've seen worse - although not much, I will admit - but this is nothing new.

"Considering what happened and what you were up against, if you hadn't gone berserker, all three of us would have died. And... I hope this doesn't sound cruel," as gently as I can, "but it's not as though I didn't think you had a feral side. It's not news to me."

What does he think now? I'd give a penny for this thoughts if I could bend at the waist.

"Thank you, Klaus. I look forward to the doctor. Know what I really do need?" big eyes. Puppy eyes. "Clothes that don't stink like third-rate vampire."


klaus_helsing May 18 2005, 08:36:34 UTC
A feral that what it is? It's wrong. It's so damn wrong. Alexander has control of his nature. He makes it serve him. I feel little better than a petty thug vampire, relying on brute strength when I'm like that. There's no control, no detatchment of emotions. There's just a surge of insanity and adrenaline. I serve my nature, not vice versa ( ... )


not_your_victim May 18 2005, 18:00:59 UTC
Uuuuuugh, THERE'S a question I don't like.

Okay, let's see. Positives:

1. I don't have to move as much.

Hm. That's about it.


1. He sees me nekked, or nearly so. AGAIN. In ONE day.

2. Admission of weakness. I can be stupid about that sometimes.

3. Sophie's clothing probably isn't going to fit me anyway. I'm taller, a bit slimmer in bone structure, and my breasts are bigger. that's not a negative. I'm being picky.

"Well... ah, let me see, Klaus. Just a second." And, trying VERY carefully to be good about this, I sit up.

Black stars dance across my vision and the room spins. Oooh, and that lovely throbbing? Back to stabbing! Wheeeeee!


"...ah...." Swallow hard. Damnit. "Yeah. I'm sorry to be a pain, Klaus. But yeah. I'm gonna need some help. And that doctor? Maybe that's a really good idea, too." Damn stupid kidneys.


klaus_helsing May 18 2005, 18:09:55 UTC
I'll call for a doctor once she's done changing. It wouldn't do to have him come while she's half nude ( ... )


xanderlucard May 18 2005, 19:33:04 UTC
Trying to sneak up quietly behind someone is difficult when you're walking with a cane, but I think I manage it well enough. Sliding my arms around Klaus' waist, I nibble gently at his neck.

"Trying to find a doctor who'll do house calls?" I ask, already knowing the answer. It seems our Miss Elmhurst is in worse a condition than we knew.

"Allow me."

I take the phone from him, hang up, and dial the hospital director.

"Hello Marshall. How are you this evening? Me? No, I'm fine, all stocked up. Thank you. However, I need you to send your finest over to take care of a... friend of mine. A young woman." Chuckling at his comment, I say, "No, no, nothing like that. The whips and chains are for special guests only." Pause. "Yes, Marshall. Thank you very much. I'll see to it that he receives my thanks."

Hanging up the phone, I turn to Klaus, leaning on my cane. "The doctor will be here in fifteen minutes. She's already on the road."


not_your_victim May 18 2005, 20:48:31 UTC
Take a deep breath. Sure, no problem. Actually, one thing I've learned over the years is that a deep, slow breathing pattern is far better than merely holding it, so that's what I'm going to do. Ta-da.

Don't think. Don't look in his eyes. Just... let him do his thing. Like it's nothing. Like it's not NEARLY as intimate as it actually is.

...Fate. I am SO gonna track you down and shoot you in the ass.

I'm highly relieved when he's done, and I can finally look at him with a smile.

"Thank you, Klaus." I mean it. Nnnnnot analyzing further. "I'm sure I'm fine, too. It's just wise to have a doctor check - you know how it is." And I wink at him.

Playfulness I don't really feel, but hey. Like I said: go out with a bang. And that feeling of quicksand slurping around my ankles? Ignored.


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