Mar 03, 2011 22:54
I think I have to adjust to the shoes, cause it feels like my feet were pummeled to shit with a tack hammer. On the upside, no back pain, no knee pain. I'll take it. Also did a two mile walk at work today, so there's that.
So, instead of hitting the gym today, I stayed home and fired up the XBox, and ran YourShape:Fitness Evolved and Dance Central.
Your Shape I ended up doing a "Nice and Easy" Workout along with a Cardio Boxing Program, a "Zen" Program (A Cross between Yoga and Tai Chi), and then a few "Gym Games" (Brick breaking, Balance, stepping, and a frustrating hula game). Overall, I burned about 270 calories.
Dance Central's a little different, it calculates your Caloric output base on the game, song, etc. I ended up Burning 50 calories on basically 2 songs (that I repeated once each). Overall I'm feeling pretty good right now. Just have to keep it up.