A little further than Oxnard.

Jan 06, 2005 22:09

[16 Dec 2004|05:23am]


I was sitting around today...or is it tonight? Stupid sunless place. Anyway, I was sitting around, thinking about Anya and our repaired relationship, which made me think of past relationships, and Tilara's face popped up in my head and I realized I hadn't thought of her, or Peridia, in over a month. It scared me.

With what's happennig here in Los Angeles, the odds are higher than usual that we won't make it. That I won't make it. And I know I swore an oath not to tell anyone about Peridia, but I can't just keep it in. I won't tell the others, not even Will. As much as I'd love to, if only to describe it's wonders and beauty, I won't break my promise to her.

So, I'll write it in here, and hope she would understand. What happened there...I can't forget. Not any of it, and I can't keep it bottled inside, so I'll flll these pages with the story.

I've been lieing to everyone: Willow, Buffy, Giles; I told them that my after-highschool-cross-country trip was cut short, that the engine in my car fell out in Oxnard, but the truth is, I made it a bit further than that.

((To be continued...))
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