I seem to have somehow developed a small HERD of giraffes, the leader & queen of which, is, obviously, the imaginary giraffe... However, a census taken this afternoon revelealed that the IG aside, my room is home to: 3 giraffe magnets, the giraffe (I mean draft) excluder, three giraffes on my rucksack, the wooden giraffe Chloe got me when she went to South Africa, the cuddly giraffe Helen got me in the summer, the stealthing Swiss giraffe that's on my lamp, and now, thanks to
cathbear there is a "little giraffe" sitting atop my stereo. That is 11 giraffes. Plus the IG. Giraffes GALORE. Yes indeed. Fear me and my ARMY of giraffes... Mwahahahahaha...
Apart from giraffely goodness (huzzah) today has been a day of, unsurprisingly, study. Two hours of Russia, followed by an hour of Politics of Gender, followed by lunch, followed by a book-hunt. Always fun. Need to read quite a bot this afternoon & finish poking the dissertation chapter & submit it ready for supervision tomorrow morning. See me having too much fun. Oh yes. I can feel the waves of envy. Or, you know, something.