Mar 26, 2006 19:32
No punting for the Xanthe. Alas & alack for it rains.
I got my dissertation bound this afternoon though. Huzzah. The man in Ryman's also treated me to a small speech on the iniquities of students who leave everything to the last minute & how they'd been expecting a HORDE of chemists on Friday but they'd not appeared so frankly who KNEW what had happened about binding THEIR projects...
I meandered through some shops as well, and coveted some walking boots. I am going to buy new walking boots once I am employed & actually have some money though, so coveting was as far as it went! *nods*
Mass this evening was good & it was also good to get to walk home in the light! Huzzah. *slight amount of excited bouncing* I also spoke to my smaller squibling on the phone (and pointed out that it would be helpful if she set the answerphone on her phone... REALLY helpful...) and then ma tante.
Today has rather stealthed off somewhere. Possibly to the place where the lost socks go... Meh... How I do not relish the prospect of Long Essay reading tomorrow. But read I must, and read I shall...
*exit, stage left, under large cloud of work*