get your towels ready, it's about to go down

Oct 13, 2010 21:16

A wide expanse of Xanadu's outdoors has been set up for a delightful event. As promised, Justin Hammer is going to announce the winner of his raffle, the prize being the opportunity to fly in one of his state of the art jetpacks, or rather vainly named, Hammerpacks. He is standing on a tall stage, the outside of which is decorated with colorful banners displaying variations of the Hammer Industries logo. Also onstage is a Very Famous and Very Good band who will be playing throughout the afternoon when Hammer isn't speaking.

On the side of the stage is a poster for the upcoming film Skin Deep, one in which he has had a hand in with the special effects and technical department. Plus funding.

There is also free food. Some of the carnival vendors from Xanadu moved shop for the day and there are also stands with slightly healthier options such as sandwiches and fruit. The idea is for everything to have a relaxed picnic type feel, and anyone who would like to attend is welcome.

"Ladies and gentlemen!" Hammer announces enthusiastically into the mic, "I know most of you are here for the food, and the rest are here for the Hammerpack so I will make this brief. Or, heh, try to. You know me, I'm a talker. Anyway, the development of the Hammerpack would not be possible without the collaboration of my friend Wes Lode. Everybody, give it up for Wes!" He lets the reaction fade before speaking again. "Wes incidentally is working on a fantastic new film called Skin Deep with another friend of mine, Norea Serhati! She is as talented as she is beautiful and will be involved in jetpacks and robots and explosions. If you're here then that's totally your bag so go see it."

"And now... the winner of the raffle who will be flying around in Hammer Industries' own jetpack in only mere moments." He reaches into his coat pocket and pulls out an envelope. He then pulls the card with the winner's name on it and squints through his glasses as he reads. After a double take he realizes that yes, this is the right name.

"H.M. Guy-with-a-hat-on, you've won! Please come to the stage!"

*marvel, *a-team, *middleman!!!!

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