Laura is a city girl, but she's also a lot more friendly towards animals than people: animals don't make stupid comments or judgements or expect her to be a healthy person.
She stands stock-still, not knowing what you do in this situation, and holds her hand out. "Hey, horse."
Privacy to change may be hard to come by, but the company so far seems pleasant enough. This time the horse comes forward, reaching to brush the woman's hand with his nose and nickering a greeting. She's obviously no horsewoman, so he takes care to move gradually, nothing in his manner to startle or alarm. Hello there, I'm a nice horse, really.
"Ain't fussy, are you?" She keeps her hands out, and rubs the velvety-softness of his nose when he touches her. "Ain't shy, either. You musta got away from somebody. You hoping for a handout?"
A-heh. Got away from someone, yes, but not in quite the way the lady means. Let's just say there was a reason he was running all-out when he arrived.
He's safe here though, or at least safer. He knows the Nexus is far from danger-free. Eyes half-lidded in contentment, he presses his nose more firmly against the hand petting it and gives a mellow grunt.
Laura closes her eyes for a moment and rests her cheek against his long face, stroking his neck beneath his mane. "Dunno where to get you something to eat, though. Sorry, boy."
Now see, this is where things get awkward for a shapeshifter at times, when people start doing things they probably wouldn't do if they knew what was living inside the animal's shape. Traditionally a púca would avoid revealing himself, would even try to coax the woman onto his back for a wild ride. Being one quarter human and raised in the daylight realms, however, makes Tadhg a very nontraditional púca indeed.
So he transforms, equine body melting into man-shape, and catches Laura when she stumbles as a result. "I'm not actually hungry at the moment, lass. Thanks for the thought though."
......oops? This lady looks to be unfamiliar with some of the strangeness to be found in the Nexus. "I, ah ... changed shape." He keeps his own hands in his pockets and his tone hopefully reassuring. "Some here can do that."
"I ain't never seen anyone do something like that." The look she's giving him is one of slight betrayal (she thought he was something safe, but people aren't safe at all).
She stands stock-still, not knowing what you do in this situation, and holds her hand out. "Hey, horse."
He's safe here though, or at least safer. He knows the Nexus is far from danger-free. Eyes half-lidded in contentment, he presses his nose more firmly against the hand petting it and gives a mellow grunt.
So he transforms, equine body melting into man-shape, and catches Laura when she stumbles as a result. "I'm not actually hungry at the moment, lass. Thanks for the thought though."
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