First Date?

Apr 28, 2009 23:01

Rewatching last Friday's episode, I decided that I just HAD to post what happened after the girls leave the church. Cute, awkward, adorable happiness is the result. It is so nice to see smiles, giggles, and snark return to our favorite duo.

image Click to view

Another note about the brilliance of the writing on this show: In today's entertainment, it is standard operating proceedure for couples to jump into bed milliseconds after they declare their attraction for each other. No so with Otalia. This is a return to old fashioned romance. Each look, each touch is full of meaning. I, as a viewer, love getting butterflies in my stomach over each step that they take. It's so much more satisfying than watching a "quickie." We've grown callused to the shock/titillation/whatever-you-want-to-call-it of sex on screen. Quite frankly, after you've seen so much, it kind of becomes boring. But, the slow build of feelings, the looks of happiness and contentment, the wonder of new love just never gets old.

I bow down again to the wisdom of Guiding Light's head writer, Jill Lori Hurst; executive producer, Ellen Wheeler; and all the rest of their team. You are doing it SO right!

natalia rivera, guiding light, olivia spencer, emma spencer, otalia

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