[One-Shot] Of Summer and Winter

Jul 26, 2009 20:37

Title: Of Summer and Winter
Pairing: YeWook
Genre: A combination of fluff and angst o:
Word Count: 924
Disclaimer: The plot is mine, nothing else.
Summary: Summer and winter are different things; hot and cold. And in those seasons, Ryeowook experiences the meaning of those differences.
Warning: Small smut scene, don't read if you're not comfortable with it.
A/N: So, I wrote something similar to this on my DA account, except it wasn't really a fanfic, it was just something I typed up. I'm just rewriting it into a super junior fanfic, so...yeah. xD


You admit that it's pretty much hot like hell right now, and the only thing that's keeping you from going insane is the pathetic excuse of a fan that you're currently perched in front of. However, you don't complain when you feel a familiar person wrap themself around you. He lets out a sigh, warm air brushing against your bare neck, and you let out a soft whine.

"It's hot..." You murmur, and you feel his hand slide under the sleeve of your t-shirt, caressing your skin. He scoots closer, your back pressed against his chest, and he nuzzles the side of your face. You can't help but to grin at how affectionate Jongwoon is during this time of the season.

"I don't really mind, so as long as I can be with you, Ryeowook-ah." You couldn't agree more; for this was a once in a lifetime chance you were given a break from your schedule. Fortunately, Jongwoon was granted the same chance. His legs wrap around your waist, and his arms tighten around your neck. The heat that the older male was giving off would've usually made you go insane, but this warmth was different. It was definitely a warmth that you had to feel. Something that you wouldn't complain about. He sighs contently, whispering a quiet, "Ryeowook-ah..." And the next thing you know, he has his lips pressed against yours.

You contemplate that is, indeed, the fact that this heat was getting to Jongwoon. He is needy as he presses himself more into you. Slowly, he brings you down to the wooden floor, kissing you more, more. And you just follow along, threading his hair through your fingers as you kiss back, meeting his demand. Everything is just hot around you, and you think that the humidity had somehow turned into fog, for you can no longer see. Everything is just a blur as he runs a wet tongue down your jawline.

You feel so loved as he thrusts into you, whispering your name into your ear. You would've replied if you weren't so busy moaning. The fan had stopped running for quite some time, and as he continues to move in and out of you, the heat multiplies. You were so slick with sweat, as well as Jongwoon, and it drove him insane. Your breath becomes erratic as your climax was nearing, and you could tell that the Jongwoon was about to come too by the irregular paces of his pounding. Warmth bubbled in the pits of your stomach, and you scream out, "Jongwoon!" as you come harshly. Only seconds later did the latter come, the heated liquid spreading within you. And you can't help but to moan at that feeling.

He topples on top of you, panting, ruffling your damp hair as he places a tired kiss on your forehead. You snuggle into his neck, welcomed in his embrace. It's so hot right now, but you just have to ignore it for now, because this warmth is something you're not going to pass up.

And you sort of wish that it was always summer.


You're staring blankly at the opposite wall, which was completely empty. Your mind had been completely filled of thoughts of Jongwoon for the past few hours, and you can't help but to notice how cold it is without him beside you.

Currently, you're sitting in one of the many rooms in the apartment located in China. Super Junior-M has went back to their promotions, and the rest of the members are in the living room, going over the schedule for the next day. However, you just don't have the strength to get out of the bed. You notice you're shivering violently, and your arms grasp your shoulders in attempt to warm yourself up.

But you still feel cold.

Why is it so cold right now, I wonder? You look out the window to see blurry drops of snow slowly falling from the sky. And strangely enough, you can see your own breath. It was odd, you think to yourself. You're currently wrapped in a scarf, a sweatshirt hanging loosely from your shoulders, and you wore pajama pants. Not only that, but you were also under a very thick blanket. When your arms decide to hide underneath the blankets, your fingers brush against your chest, and you suddenly realize why you're so cold.

Within your chest, was a chilling feeling. It was the feeling of your heart freezing up.

You wonder if it's because of the fact that Jongwoon was always someone who resembled the sun, and he would always melt your heart. Preventing it from freezing.

No matter how much you tried to warm up your chest, it was still so damned cold, and after several minutes of huddling yourself against the headboard, you gave up. Only Jongwoon could fix this...but he wasn't here. Only then do you realize just how much you miss him. You kind of wonder if he's freezing up too, somewhere in his bedroom, also huddled up in his bed (Or maybe your bed?).

You want him so badly by your side. You're begging in your mind, selfishly. You feel like a small child desperately trying to find their mother. And you're a little ashamed at the fact of how much you really want him, because you know he's not going to magically pop up beside you. And that makes you want to cry.

So you do, and you dumbly wonder if your heart will freeze up your tears too...


Eck, why is it so short. ;; So ya, like I said, I wrote something similar to this, accept it was more based on my own personal opinions, rather it being a story like this. 'Cause seriously, I fkin hate winter. >_> I know some people (mostly my friends) love winter because of the snow, but I hate winter 'cause 1. It's cold and 2. If you compare it to being in love, it pretty much sucks. Go summer! >w< I live in an area where it's dry heat, so I think the heat's pretty nice. Anyways, please comment, 'cause comments make me happy!~ ♥

genre: angst, genre: romance, pairing: yesung/ryeowook, genre: fluff

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