So Much Going On!

Jul 20, 2009 23:12

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fandom, fanfic, harry potter, creative

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Comments 42

stonefox July 21 2009, 03:53:34 UTC
my name is jacqueline, but everyone calls me jackie cause its easier.i love photography, movies, reading books and reading fanfiction. I found a new love for marion cotillard so most of my icons are of her, but I also really enjoy (of the many actors i like) robert pattinson and rachel mcadams.

and i think you are adorable.


xalexandriam July 21 2009, 13:56:20 UTC
Hi, Jackie! :D I think your real name is very pretty, btw. What kind of fanfiction do you read? And I love Marion Cotillard, too. I found an icon of her yesterday that I loved, but I wasn't sure if I was ever going to use it. :|

Aww... :') You're too sweet! ♥


doom_cherries July 21 2009, 04:38:37 UTC
My name is Kristen. My birthday is in eight days, I'm a senior in nursing school and I'll graduate in May. I'm counting down the days because I'm that lame. I own over 200 movies and have a serious addiction to burning DVDs. I love to read. And write, although I'm nervous about every posting anything in the Twilight fandom.



xalexandriam July 21 2009, 14:05:39 UTC
Hi, Kristen! :D Oh! Happy almost Birthday! And I don't know how I would be able to get through nursing school. I'm awful at math and science. XD Good luck with your final year!

omg If it wasn't for the fact that my mom told my dad to get rid of them, my dad and I would probably have just as many movies. We're addicted and since we both like the same just gets crazy sometimes. And don't be afraid to post anything! I stay in the HP fandom when it comes to fanfic, so I don't know how the Twilight fandom is all that well, but don't be afraid to post. I was at first, but there's always going to be readers out there who appreciate your efforts. My following is not that big and I'm not well known in the HP fandom, but I enjoy writing and it makes me happy. :)


doom_cherries July 21 2009, 15:36:58 UTC
I don't know how I managed to get through three years of nursing school! It needs to come with a warning that you will cry at least once a week, have several mental breakdowns and all around think you're not cut out to do anything. But thanks; I'll need luck to get through this next year. It better not suck.

I'm slowly working up the courage. I'd like to have more chapters written in advance, because with my schedule, my time to sit down and write is sporadic at best. But it's like you said, I just enjoy writing. :)


katiehatesyou July 21 2009, 05:36:07 UTC
I love Ginny :3

My name is Katie and ilu.


xalexandriam July 21 2009, 14:08:59 UTC
:D I was so excited to get Ginny. I've been writing her for 6 years or so now and one of my D/G stories is narrated in first person by her, so RP-ing as her is going to be a breeze. Would you mind if she commented on your entries every so often? :P

:') ♥ ilu2, Katie. How is your dog, Ginny, doing?


katiehatesyou July 21 2009, 18:59:23 UTC
omg that would be awesome :D *nerds out* lol

She's good, we're still shopping around for a clinic to remove her tumor, but really, aside from the lump you wouldn't even know anything was wrong with her now that she's getting meds for her ulcers :)


xalexandriam July 21 2009, 19:07:26 UTC
M'kay! :D If your entries are f-locked, you'll have to add her, ontdginny, so she can see them. :)

Aww...that's good that it's not something that's noticeable. I hope you find one soon so she can get her tumor removed! ♥


water_jade July 21 2009, 05:51:10 UTC
I still count as new, right? Hee. I'm Delaney, studying languages at university in Durham, England, which I have been looking forward to for what feels like my whole life. I can't wait to get back, but I'm stuck in Florida for the summer. I love tea, the colour green and [real] football and spend my life taking pictures and running track.


Btw I've seen HBP a second time now, so we should see it sometime if you're still keen, maybe down closer to you? On that note I'm VERY excited for these icons, and very jealous you get to be Ginny in something. ♥


xalexandriam July 21 2009, 14:19:04 UTC
You get my D/G icon for this! :D haha Pretty much all of my twat friends are considered new since the only people that really shouldn't be commenting on this entry are astoria_potter, turkeyish, and adelagia because I've known them the longest/I'm their beta/they're my beta. XD

Ughhh...I would LOVE to study in England. I'm planning on applying for study abroad for my junior year of college (2 years-ish)! I, actually, didn't see HBP for a second time and I would love to. :) If you don't mind driving down near me, that would be wonderful. Just let me know when you're available.

:D And would you like Ginny to comment on your entries every once in a while? :3 ♥


tropicopenguin July 21 2009, 09:22:31 UTC
Hiiii, I'm Mahek and I'm Indian, but I live in the Philippines (I know, it's pretty random, LOL). I'm still a sophomore in high school, but I plan to attend Columbia or Brown and do a double-major in vocal performance and business. If I get in, that is. I'm a huge musical theatre geek and I love to sing and act and I hope to make a career out of it when I graduate from college.

And I'm VERY excited about the icons! XD


xalexandriam July 21 2009, 14:29:37 UTC
Hi, Mahek! That's so cool that you're an Indian living in the Philippines! What's it like there? Is it worth visiting there someday?

I love musical theater, too. :D I would love to be in a Broadway show, but I don't have the type of singing voice that would suit a Broadway show. My singing voice is a bit more raspy. XD

And I'm happy to see that you're excited about the icons! They're honestly not as good as I wanted them to be thus far because of the constraints that I was given, plus the pictures were rather grainy. :/ But I did my best to prettify them.


tropicopenguin July 21 2009, 14:40:41 UTC
Honestly, it's kind of boring here. :P Everyone just wants to go to the States or whatever. But there are really great beaches just like a half an hour away by plane and the weather's great. As long as you have air conditioning. :P

Oh, yay! I love when I meet people who love musical theatre - it's not a very common thing in my experience. XD And there are plenty of roles that could possibly suit a raspy voice! I actually posted a couple of clips of myself singing on my latest entry on my LJ. You should check them out if you want!

LOL, anything concerning Draco/Tom is amazing in my book! And I'm sure they're great!


xalexandriam July 21 2009, 14:56:53 UTC
hahah In that case, I might just go there for a week and no longer. XD

Really? I know so many people who love musical theatre. But that's probably because I'm a performer (dance/color guard), so it's kinda common. :P And that's very true. I just don't think I could see myself making a career out of it.

hahah Awesome! I love Tom/Draco, too (as evidenced by my unabashed fangirling lately and my influx of Tom/Draco icons). XD


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