So Much Going On!

Jul 20, 2009 23:12

[music| "Lights Out" - Santogold]

♥ Welcome to all of my new LJ friends! ♥

In honor of that, I would love it if all of you could comment with your name and some information about you so I can get to know you better. :) I, obviously, know you all are, but I don't know many of you as well as I would like to. And while you're at it, feel free to bond with some of our mutual friends. :D

Also, for those of you who are HP fans, I am RP-ing as Ginny Weasley (ontdginny) over at ontdhp. So be on the lookout for me posting as Ginny every so often. :)

In other news, I'm working on all of the Christmas in July gifts that I've promised people with, especially the huge-ass batch of Tom Felton/Draco icons I promised people (all of which I shall be posting on here).

Hope you all had wonderful days! :D ♥


P.S.: I forgot to ask this: would any of you HP fans mind if Ginny commented on your entries every once in a while? So I could get some practice RP-ing as her? After the influx of "Ask ____" last night at ontdhp, I've decided that I'm not going to RP as Ginny unless I absolutely feel like it's necessary. But I plan on doing a "Ginny's Advice Post" there later on today, for those who are members. :)

fandom, fanfic, harry potter, creative

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