Because I Am a Terrible Person

Apr 28, 2009 00:49

[music| "Time to Pretend" - MGMT]

ETA: I just got back from picking up my final creative writing assignment. It had to be a short story and I was being lazy, so I decided to rework Office Christmas Party to suit my needs. I got an A on the story and my professor said that it was one of the best papers he received for that assignment. :D I was laughing so hardcore on the inside when I found that out. XD

First, I want to reiterate that my open letter in my last post is not at all a bash of the the overall dgficexchange. They were just my initial thoughts to reading the entry the mods posted regarding the latest round of the exchange and, after a brief discussion with elyaeru in my post's comments, I've gained a better understanding of why the mods did what they did. Am I bummed that not everyone who wants to participate will be able to participate? Of course I am. But, again; it's their decision and not mine. To those of you signing up for the first time, I wish you the best of luck in getting a spot! (turkeyish, my fingers are double crossed for you! ♥)

Speaking of exchanges: OMG I DON'T KNOW WHAT I SHOULD REQUEST FOR THE DGFICEXCHANGE AND THE RONPANSY_FEST. The ronpansy_fest doesn't have any specific theme, but it is my first time writing that ship, so I'm a bit nervous about it. :/ Plus, I have to come up with 3(?) possible prompts for that particular exchange...


Now as to the topic of this post: I already told turkeyish about this and she had the same reaction that every one of my real life friends had, so I thought I would share with the rest of you guys.

So do you guys remember my friend, Dan? The one that has a girlfriend, but wants to do the no pants dance with me? Yeah. Well, I was out this weekend living it up before finals started and to party it up with my friend, Natalie, before she goes back home to England. We went to my friend, Zach's place to drink after having dinner and things were going rather smoothly. Zach and I played vodka pong which wasn't our brightest moment, I'll admit, but we were sleeping over his place that night, so I think everyone was under the impression that we would be taken care of should anything too heinous happen. Anyways, we all go outside at one point and are just sitting around talking, when I notice that Zach's on the phone with someone. It was around 1:30 in the morning and seeing Zach on the phone gave me the sudden urge to call someone. I was thinking about who I could call at that hour that would actually pick up and the only name that I could think of was Dan since that kid stays up all hours of the night.

I call him, he picks up, and I honestly didn't say anything that bad to him. I was coherent enough to have a decent conversation with him (like I was asking him about his day and when he was going to go home for the year, etc.). It just went downhill when he decided to say hello to Rio and her dumbass replied with, "HI! YOU SHOULD BREAK UP WITH YOUR GIRLFRIEND AND GO OUT WITH MIA!" :|

Needless to say, I got off the phone with him shortly after that. So my apologies to him were along the lines of, "OMG. I am SO sorry for what Rio said to you!" (Yes, I copy-pasted part of this from my comment to turkeyish :P) He said that it was no big deal and that he wasn't going to hold me responsible for something that Rio said. Which calmed me down a bit.

The situation slowly became more awkward, though, when I started telling my friends about it and their responses were, "Hey. Rio had the balls to say something that I would love to say to him. She's pretty much my hero right now." :| THAT WAS NOT THE RESPONSE THAT I WAS LOOKING FOR, GUYS. I was hoping for something like, "OMG. I can't believe that happened! I'm so sorry! I can't believe she said that!" Not that you adore her for getting that out in the open. I mean, it would be nice to get with him, but I don't need someone telling him that. Especially because his reaction was, "I think you should go back to hanging out with your friends now, Mia," before he hung up on me.

I tell Lisa about it and her reaction is the same as the generalized one that I stated along with, "Oh, don't even whine to me about this, Mia. Because you know that if that shit happened to me that you would be laughing your ass off because you're a bastard like that. I love you, but you're a bastard." This may or may not be true. XD Lisa's right, though. I probably would've found my situation hysterical if it had happened to anyone else, but I also would have felt really bad for the person.

This would be so much easier if this had happened earlier in the year. I'm going to be seeing him next week. :/


fandom, school, college: freshman year, blah, real life

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