I'm Not Sure How I Feel About This...

Apr 26, 2009 22:04

[music| "D.A.N.C.E.- Justice]

Dear dgficexchange,

You and I have had a pretty good relationship in the two times that I've participated in your wonderful exchange of fic (and occasionally art). The first time was a bit of a rocky start, but hey; most relationships aren't always perfect. The second time around, however, I was confident in both my choice of prompt and the final result. What made it even better was that I was nominated 4 times. Four times! For it being my second time writing for an exchange of any kind, I was both honored and excited. I didn't win, but I was still happy to have produced a fic that people felt it had to be nominated and voted for.

I now approach my third round of your exchange and, up until this round's theme was announced, I was pretty excited. I've always loved the mods for the exchange and the layout they've created for this upcoming round is gorgeous. However, when I read the entry regarding this coming round and the new rules established, I became a bit concerned.

While I understand that people dropping out has always been a previous problem, I don't like the idea of limiting the amount of participants to 50. My policy on something like an exchange is that I don't sign up unless I know for certain that I will be able to participate. So, unless someone has a real life issue happen to them after they've signed up, I think it's silly for anyone to sign up if they know that they won't be able to stick to the time constraints. Not only that, but I feel that limiting the number of participants is a bit of a hindrance to the exchange. I'm the type of person that feels that if you want to participate, then you should be allowed to participate. By allowing past participants to sign up first before newbies is a disadvantage to the newbies, but I also think that just because you're a past participant doesn't mean that you produce fantastic products, or that there's a higher chance of you not dropping out (the latter may, or may not be true). Because, honestly, some of the fics by authors who have participated before aren't always the best ones. Or even ones that I personally enjoy. I feel that the fic produced may not be that author's personal best, but because of their name alone and the importance attached to their name that people adore it more.

I also have a bit of an issue with the theme. The theme itself asks for the author to think of a prompt that allows for an in depth look at the characters' respective psyches. If they can't, then oh well. And while I love the theories and concepts practiced in the field of psychology (hell, I wrote an entire fic about it), a vast majority of the stories I've read that features a character practicing in the field is usually more dramatic than humorous in nature. Of course I've seen fics that have a character acting as a psychologist that have been humorous, but well. I don't know. Rio and I feel that because it is the Spring Exchange that the theme should be a bit more light-hearted since it seems as though many authors might come up with fics in a more dramatic and/or angsty vein. I hope that I'm wrong, but it is a very likely possibility.

Please don't take this the wrong way, dgficexchange. I still plan on signing up and (hopefully) participating, so just take my comments for what they are: comments. I did not write this to bash you or the mods for, like I said previous, I think they are fantastic and I have nothing but respect for them and all that they do. I hope that this round is absolutely amazing. :)

With love,
xalexandriam (Alexandria Malfoy)

fandom, fanfic, d/g fic exchange, harry potter, d/g, contemplative

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