Theories on How Danger Finds Us - Chapter 7

Mar 16, 2009 22:07

[music| "Dawn of the Dead" - Does It Offend You, Yeah?]

I finally finished chapter 7! XD

The un-betaed version is already on Portkey, since I don't have to get my chapters looked over by admins before they get posted on the site (honestly, though, Portkey should do that. I mean the setup of their site is awesome, but there's some stuff on there that's just a grammatical hot mess). Once I get the betaed chapter back from my lovely beta, astoria_potter, then I shall submit it to FIA and post the link when it's up on the site. :)

Portkey: Theories on How Danger Finds Us, Chapter 7

Oh, and I forgot to mention that for my last creative writing assignment, I just took bits from Through a Long and Sleepless Night, chapters 1 and 2, changed the names and certain details, and combined them into this 6 page assignment since I was lazy and didn't feel like writing something new. I got a B- on it. XD

I thought that was pretty funny. :P And maybe it's a form of karma for doing the assignment half-assed.


fandom, fanfic, harry potter, fic: theories on how danger finds us, d/g, accomplished

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