[music| "Starstruck" - Lady Gaga, Space Cowboy and Flo Rida]
There's only so much I can tolerate from girls my age. WARNING: Do not continue to read if you do not abide whining. But, then again, I think everyone is entitled to it every once in a while. :P
So yeah. This is basically going to be all about how much I'm starting to getting annoyed with certain people that I hang out with. Again, I warned you, so I would rather not hear complaints, please.
Anyways, lately, I haven't been able to hang out with my friend, Rio, because of a couple of reasons that I understand: 1) our schedules are very different this semester and it's hard for us to hang out as much as we used to, and 2) she has a boyfriend, so obviously, she's going to spend more time with him. Again, totally understandable. Because of the first reason, though, we try to have lunch together every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. And she's been great about having lunch with me since it gives us time to just chat about stuff that's going on with us. Recently, though, she's slowly started to not go to lunch with me, saying that she's eaten earlier with someone else. I'll end up going to lunch with my friend, Nicole, to see that Rio's still in the dining hall eating with our friend, Marissa.
To me, it's just one of those situations where I can't really talk to Rio because she'll just play it off as me being jealous of Marissa. I don't think it's jealousy as much as it's just annoyance over the fact that she knows that I don't hang out with her that much because of my classes and I make an effort, only to be shafted/ditched. I've been hanging out with other people instead of her if she's not around, or is hanging out with Marissa, so I'm not super affected by it. Really, the only thing that seems to bother me is that we were really close last semester and now, I barely see her unless she needs something from me. I feel like I've been used and I'm kind of mad at myself for letting her do that.
But, I suppose this whole situation is now just one of those things that I learn and grow from to ensure that it doesn't happen again. I've limited how many times I see her to not really cut her off, but to kind of detach myself from all of the crap that's associated with her. The people that I hang out with more now are awesome and I feel happier to be with them rather than associating myself with someone who just wants to be friends with me when it's convenient.
If you want to put in your thoughts, feel free.