May 21, 2009 21:03
In the intervening time between this post and last:
1. more school - drudgery, assignments, quizzes, lectures, fevered students panicking about various things
2. less concern about school (I'm virtually mentally checked out at this point, which is kind of fun, although my grades will be sad at the end of the quarter
3. I officially cut my twenty vats of diet soda out for the time being - part of my spring plan has been to make a small change every week that will help with mood/health - first it was not eating cookies everytime I felt bored, then getting my fruits and veggies, then strength training a couple of days a week ... now the ultimate challenge. Cutting out my diet sodas might as well be quitting smoking - they do both theoretically cause cancer after all, but aside from that there's just something really hedonic about noxious ingestions things that aren't quite good but ever so soothing soothing that also come to symbolize "break time" and treating oneself. At the moment I am now drinking these organically infused fruit and carbonated water things which are not quite the same divinely sludgey disgustingness level of diet coke with lime, but when they don't suffice, there is also chocolate mint water which with I am obsessed.
4. More tango - teaching and all that
5. A systematic series of shopping binges to buy clothes that a. would work for my summer job and b. actually fit since through the joys of lawschool stress (and yes I'm bottling it and selling it on the market) I've shrunk out of the wardrobe I'd so delicately tended to the last three years. Not that I can afford to do this, but not having *any* clothes that fit right sucks too much for (lack of) money to be an issue. I put up with the pre-going-out fevered panicked rummage through my wardrobe and subsequent tears as I screamed out "THERE'S NOTHING TO WEAR!!" enough times for anyone to accept a little debt. Now, naturally, the stress will subside and I'll grow back out of my new clothes. Because god has a sense of humor like that.
6. Went back to Bellingham last weekend to see the Uandme Showcase, which was awesome. I love watching them on two levels: 1. to see my friends perform and scream very very loud and 2. to see adorable dancers perform - I think I get the biggest kick from watching new dancers, newlyweds, fathers, and that sort of thing. Couldn't stay very long, but it was good to see everyone. It gets a little lonely down here sometimes still. Not as much as it used to, but still...
7. New car!
8. two more weeks of school!