Pretty explanatory from the title, this is the last performance from Kradison concert in New York, Feb 12. They sang "Crazy" from Gnarls Barkley, and they rock it!!! Though I'm not sure if Adam should scream "Sing you motherfuckers" during the performance because that is just rude. I don't know if the band can hear it, but I think Cale gave him the 'eye' after he said that.
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Some more of Kris performance on the show
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A mashup of "Heartless" and "Gangsta Paradise". I thought they blend well together.
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"Alright With Me", maybe Kris 2nd single?! I love the part where he kneeled down when he sang Falling on your floor, baby baby please. Knocking on your door, baby baby please. A crowdpleaser from the look of it.
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OK, "Come Together" is my favorite Beatles song, so when Kris sang it on Idol I just adored him for it and he did a decent job singing it, though in the beginning he came in the wrong note. Beware, there are some of close-up Kris and feather boa is making an appearance.
And for bonus, here's Adam singing "Music Again" (wtf his make-up, such a drag queen! but I like his voice. Masterclass!!)
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