Just thinking of a place...

Feb 03, 2005 22:55

Does anyone realize how remarkable a person's tongue is? I know, that's a weird thing to say, but it's completely true! Go on. Take a look at your own tongue. Examine it for just a moment.Do you see all the buds and the soft sensative composition of your tongue? There are millions of tiny little taste buds that maked up the velvety surface of your tongue. If you look in the back, you'll see they get white. My guess is that those are dead taste buds. I couldn't tell you for sure. If you look at your tongue from a farther distance (not too much, just far enough to see it whole) and think about it, it's just really neat. Our tongue is divided into sections. Each section can detect a different kind of taste. Sweet, sour, bitter. They all have their own private locations on your tongue!The tongue is a muscle! It helps to navigate food around the mouth for mastication. When we are kids, you have taste buds not only on the tongue, but all over you mouth. On your cheeks! Thats why kids like bland food as opposed to bitter or extremely flavorful.

This little tutorial has been a result of me burning my tongue on hot green tea and wondering what burnt tastebuds look like. It turns out they get a little red-that is all.

In other news? Ummmm.. yea. Nothin' to tell, really.
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