Day 3

Jun 16, 2009 01:05

Man, talk about total failure compared to the last few days...

I honestly feel like I accomplished nothing today other than keeping Vikki company. Something very simple, like installing a radio in a car, ended before it really began. The head unit didn't come with a wiring schematic, but a friend of the owner was able to verify what I had suspected, that all wires from the radio harness matched the wiring kit harness. So after splicing all the wires together I open the kit, only to discover that it's the wrong fucking kit.

The guy at Best Buy (problem 1) was bragging about owning a Honda Civic Si (problem 2) and swore up and down (problem 3) that it was the right kit (problem 4). So I get the radio affixed to the kit (problem 5) before checking the kit manual (problem 6) and I discover that it is for general Honda's (problem 7) and only for Honda Civic NON-Si models (problem 8).


The one thing I did manage to do was eat a ton of pizza and price out what it will take to fill in the street gutter leading into the driveway with cement. Seriously, unlike most gutters, this is actually a curb. The plan is to lay down a PVC pipe and cover it in cement to attain a smooth entry onto the driveway from the road without obscuring the gutter from its intended purpose.

I also pulled the clothes dryer apart since it takes 3 full cycles to actually dry the clothes. The heating elements work fine, so I figured there was a clog or a stuck flap or something. Truth is the dryer blows air like a banshee, which means the problem lies not with the dryer but with the duct leading outside. Since the dryer is in the middle of the house, the duct is designed to go up the wall to the 1st floor ceiling, then above the hallway and kitchen and out the back yard. But there's no air actually going out the other end, meaning a clog or a blown duct and there's no easy way to get to it.

The plan now is to cut a hole through the side of the garage, install a shorty vent and install new wire from the circuit breaker in the garage to the new vent location. The dryer will be relocated into the garage, thereby resolving the issue with the current duct. But now that I think about it, I might be able to solve the existing duct issue while I'm in the 1st floor attic space, which would be tons cheaper than doing everything else. I'll take a peek tomorrow and see if that's possible.

My paychecks finally came in the mail today, and I've been shorted money. By at least $400, if not a grand. I also have another grand in a flex plan that I need to figure out how to withdraw, which would put me well into being able to survive until my birthday on what's in the bank. Add the cash I'm owed from car insurance and Alltel that I forgot to collect and that's another grand to put away for a rainy day.

Tomorrow: Equinox Part 2. Drain the still water laden oil system and put in some thicker 20w 50 along with another bottle of STP oil leak stopper and check the radiator for any sign of oil. With luck the truck won't need a head gasket.

Anyway, that's all for now. Keep it real my friends.

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