Sep 19, 2004 22:12
Oh gods! The PV for Snow Drop is soo... oh it's just brilliant! Watching Emu and then THAT? what was I thinking!? Now I'm cought between pain and amazement... I got a top hat the other day, absolutely wonderful if I do say so myself. It's wool so I can wear it in the rain and it's black and fits me perfect^.^ This is my introduction: Hi! This is my darling, his name is Top hat, we have a daughter Ichigo Baby* and we had a son Choco Baby* but I ait him. *Ichigo Baby and Choco Baby are these too really yummy Japanese Chocolates*heartheart* N-chan sent me a brillaint translation of this thing Mana wrote! I must post it here! I had finally met her... the widow of destiny. A memory of my youth comes back, of when I first received that shock... calls out the madness of my burning Rock soul. My eyes first met with that strange shape long ago, as I was casually thumbing through a music magazine. That.. that special form... "spider" Because of its shape the bridge came out of the body and was rather small, almost like a guitar's size. It seemed to have been made for me. Yes, it's name was the "Widow Bass." But she was of foriegn seas... So seductive, she drove me insane. Ah yes, it was a B.C. Rich.. (the maker's name) I, youthful and innocent, fell in love with her. As the months and years passed, my passionate feelings for her were nearly forgotten. Then one day... I encountered her standing there in a window. It was our first time seeing face to face. (laugh) My passions for her were rising once again! So she had come to Japan... I extended a trembling hand to her... ...and now she is in my arms. It was destiny. Miracles come suddenly, don't they. As I think such things, staring at her sexy body, I occasionally pick her up and play with her. This time I thought I'd introduce you. How to see her? Well, I'm sure *you* can figure it out. fu fu fu... I want to show her off on stage soon. ...but of course, I am a guitarist. Isn't it GREAT!? I was also sent the translations for "Omocha no Miisha" but I'll post those later. I've resolved that I MUST save up my money and buy a Gackt CD or a Malice Mizer CD. I'll die if I don't. I feel such a wrench in my heart when I see a CD cover. I was hoping I could get the Kami Memorial box for his birthday but I don't think that's happening. I just put on Sacrafice by London After Midnight. I'd sacrafice myself to you... *sigh* why do I feel so somber? Am I just naturally a dispaired person?I've desided that I'm gonna ask my parents if I can temporarily dye my hair black. Wouldn't it look awsome if I died my hair black, powdered my hair white, put on darkish red lipstick and then maybe I could put on my black and white striped tights, get mahself some black leather tights and pray to the gods I can actually find the right shirt to wear(maybe my black and white courset) AND THEN I'D GO TO THE AIRLINES AND PICK UP N-CHAN! haha! Go dreams!!! And top hats! Now I'm in a good mood^.^ ... until I snap out of dream world...