May 24, 2009 01:41
Me and Ben overloaded on chinese, South Park and Mock the Week tonight and I also got him to watch some of Donnie Darko.
I forget how funny that film is and when it's finished I'm always overcome by the feeling that I've almost grasped something very profound-- but then the thought slips away from me like silk over my fingertips. It's the most frustrating feeling, like looking at something that's just slightly out of focus.
... Man I have a seriously unhealthy tendency towards similes and metaphors.
'I'll tell you what he said! He asked me to forcibly insert the life line card into my anus!'
That woman is one of the most annoying characters ever created. I get so angry at her because I KNOW there are people out there that really are that fucking stupid.
And there is just no excuse for idiocy. You have a perfectly capable brain mass, just like me - FUCKING USE IT.
Speaking of idiocy being no excuse - It was really quiet in work today, so quiet that I was able to flip through a Daily Record someone had left on my desk in between calls. (I wouldn't normally admit to reading the Record and take this opportunity to say with huge snobbishness that it is a toilet rag of a newspaper filled with writing of a quality that I could puke up in my sleep ^_^) And there was a blurb about the Baby P trial.
Everyone feels the same about this. We are a country united in opinion on this matter, I'm sure.
So apparently at the end of the trial (why are they not being done for murder? I don't think anyones got any qualms about throwing the book at them, maybe a few chairs and an anvil aswell) their lawyers or whatever were making statements trying to convince the jury to not sentence them to death, arguments which were seemingly built on one solid foundation - these people are idiots.
Of course, they didn't put it quite like that. 'Ill equipped to deal with the situation'. 'Immature'. 'Uneducated'. So reading between the lines we get: 'give 'em a break, they're stupid'.
.... what. the. fuck.
I don't think I need to remind anyone that these people are responsible, solely and completely responsible, for the death of a defenceless 17 month old child.
Surely the fact that it's a result of them being too fucking retarded to know better is even worse?! Shouldn't they be eradicated for the sake of humanity? If a person who had a Harvard degree and lived in a nice house did the same thing to their child, would they be punished more severely? Because they're supposed to know better? How can you NOT KNOW that children are meant to be cared for?? Surely it's FUCKING OBVIOUS?!
And that stupid bitch of a mother, though I am loathe to use that word in association with someone who has failed so spectacularly to be anything even remotely close to 'motherly', pleading for forgiveness and that crazy, sick fuck boyfriend complaining about how his identity will eventually be released and he'll be victimised...
... N whit? They should be fucking thankful we haven't brought back boiling oil and capitol punishment especially for them.
In situations like this, I always think of an idea for punishment that me and my Dad firmly believe should be enforced - it's one that would fit right in with our modern technological society.
Ever seen Minority Report? Well, if you imagine the prisons like that, rows of people in stasis and hooked up to something like virtual reality. And the idea is that through this virtual reality and some kind of hypnosis probably, the criminal has to experience the exact feelings of their victim.
So we'd have everything from a burglar having to experience the fear and devastation of having someone wreck your house, to a rapist or peadophile feeling exactly what all their victims have felt, to a murderer being forced to endure what they themselves have done to others.
It's an eye for an eye, but we're not actually engaged in any physical harm or infringing on any human rights. A way to actually put some fear into criminals instead of prison being the equivalent of a short stay in Butlins... only with better facilities.
I just don't see how anyone, even the most irritating of do-gooder activists, can argue in favor of the 'human rights' of people who have defiled everything which our society has tried to define as 'humane'. What is the point of fighting for a moral or ethical code or for the preservation of justice if we're just going to allow it to be shat all over by people who wouldn't know a brain cell if they snorted it off the back of a CD case.
Being stupid is not an excuse. You are a mockery of everything that the rest of us have the decency to respect. You insult me by belonging to the same species, breathing the same air, and inhabiting the same planet as me. You are a disease, an infectious sludge and you should be treated as such.
And when I become Empress of the world, I will line you all up, castrate you and lobotomise you (though this may often be unnecessary) and put you to work doing something useful, like clearing toxic waste.
... something to look forward to. *grins*