
Apr 13, 2007 05:18

This is my first post containing icons.

BIS: Tsukasa
Dir en grey: Die, Toshiya
KuRt: Tenten
Lolita23q: BAN
Sel'm: Tora



001: die
002: die
003: die
004: toshiya
005: toshiya

006: toshiya
007: toshiya
008: toshiya
009: toshiya
010: tora

011: tenten
012: tenten
013: ban
014: tsukasa
015: toshiya

• Number 001; 006 & 007 are not bases!
• 004 and 005 I use as cummunity icons though it can be used by others too! Since "tenshi" means angel.
Don't worry, you're not advertising. ^^
• Credit if using any of the icons! Don't know how to do?...

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