Dir en grey THE ENDING

Feb 26, 2007 12:31

Here's one more 'humour story' about Dir en grey. I've posted it at jrockhumor and you can find it HERE if you haven't seen it :)
But you can also see it under the cut in this post.

You can press F11 depending on how big your screen is. 'Cause some images are bigger, but not all!
And I just want to say that I like Diru and all their styles! This is just humor, okay :P
(Forgive the spelling mistakes I noticed afterwards XD)


Edit: If any Russians reads this, nothing personal about the *Russian folk music*-picture. I could just as well have used any folk music. Just wanna make sure no one finds it offensive :) But I don't think it will be ne.. ah just in case. I'd feel stupid otherwise..

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