(no subject)

Sep 21, 2006 01:16

I had to write an essay for AP Lang and Comp on what brings me rapture. The essay also needed to incorporate allusions. I greatly abhor my teacher, Ms. Mathews, who is a dumb nigger. Thus I wrote that she brings me rapture, when the converse of that is true. Enjoy: most of you will not take the time to read this.

Ms. Mathews brings me rapture. I am enraptured by the very thought of the rapture she brings to me. Other students might have written compositions on the trivial pursuits which bring them rapture, scilicet: music, video games, et cetera. However, if they just paused to think what really matters in this world, they would recognize it is Ms. Mathews.

Ms. Mathews is the reincarnation of Saint John the Divine. John, one of the original apostles of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, is the author of a book in the New Testament. This scripture, The Book of Revelations, is the definitive source for the description of Armageddon, or Judgment Day. Although there are other texts on an infidel's equivalence of the Rapture, only the word of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, is absolute. Moreover, Ms. Mathew's cell phone is actually Gabriel's Horn, otherwise known as Torricelli's Trumpet by infidels.

Saint John the Divine rests in the highest tier of Paradise. He probably has Beatriz relay commands to Ms. Mathews, his transmigrated embodiment on Earth. Thus is her style of instruction flawless, for it is divine. John waited nearly two millennia for Tetragrammaton to decide a suitable body. Notwithstanding, YHWH choose Ms. Mathews at the beginning of Time, since he is omnipotent and all His decisions have been decreed in His ubiquitous cerebrum. Additionally, when Saint John was prophesying the Revelations of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, methinks his convulsions were triggered by his visions of Ms. Mathews. Therefore, essentially, Ms. Mathews brings rapture to the rapturee.

I feel the Seven Seals beginning to break every seventh period. Ms. Mathews prolongs the release of the Horsemen of the Apocalypse from the seven sigils. Whereas the Bible is absolute, there might have been an error in translation. The Romans replaced "Horsewoman", all of whom are representations of Ms. Mathews, with "vir en equo" or "man on horse." This is because the Romans, murderer of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, could not accept the prominence of women in Christianity. However, it is fortunate the Romans and Jews executed the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior; for God "so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." (John 3:16) Thank God, literally, for the death of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, because I sleep well at night knowing someone perished for the sins of my brethren and I.

Ms. Mathew's passion for English is unrivaled. Her passion illuminates like a thousand supernovae of Kepler, which radiates and penetrates the bodies of her students. Her mastery of English is boundless and she actually developed sanskrit, locking the knowledge of the true ultimate language, Aramaic, in the vaults of her cerebrum. Ms. Mathews defeated Mohammed Ali in boxing, wrestled a tyrannosaurus rex, and conflagrated the city of Troy. Lastly, she possesses the One Chalk, which has dominion over all lesser forms of chalk.

It is only logical why Ms. Mathews brings me rapture. If Ms. Mathews were holding steak in her hand, the anti-Christ would yield to her and the Sons of Darkness would return to their fabrication in the Dead Sea Scrolls. Since none of the preceding statements were true, but slight hyperboles or exaggerations, Ms. Mathews truly brings to me a state of enrapturement.
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