Mar 04, 2013 11:22
Normally by the time January rolls around, it is freezing, SAD is in full swing, and I am absolutely miserable. So in February I develop an artificial cheerfulness and decide February will be "THE BEST MONTH EVER" and then plow through until the first day of spring.
Last year I thought it was just because we had a mild winter and I was so busy taking care of a newborn, but this year I had the same experience: I am not absolutely miserable. There's no melancholy whatsoever. Yeah, it's cold, and if you gave me the choice I would still take summer over winter, but I have not spent every waking moment wishing it was July like I usually do. I am actually totally fine.
So this year there is nothing artificial about my usual February cheerfulness. It was actually a really good month. No one got sick or wrecked the car. OUR HOUSE IS FINISHED. Well, not totally finished, but finished enough that we can start occupying the new rooms. And I did a great job with my goals.
Finish the second draft of the novel and get it up to 50,000 words.
Done! It's still pretty rough and I'm thinking about changing a lot of things, including the entire beginning and adding a subplot.
Submit the grant application.
Done, and I even finished early! The deadline was February 28 and I submitted it February 17.
Continue my 10K training three days a week and Insanity at least four days a week.
(Mostly) Done. I did all my scheduled runs, and I'm finally feeling really good about my pace. I only managed to do the Insanity workouts three days a week, but I'm okay with that.
-Finally get out of the 130s.
Take Luke to baby story time at the library.
We went! Unfortunately, we probably won't continue to go because even at 9:30, the time just isn't great for us. The afternoon would be much better, after Luke has had his nap and eaten lunch and is in a much better mood, so we'll just continue going to the library to pick out books and play on our own.
Do something social. January was pretty solitary.
By social I just mean, "leave the house." And we did get out of the house! There was my brother's Superbowl party, a day out with Tom, my date night with Brian, and probably some other things.
-Let the novel simmer for two weeks, then make a plan for draft 3.
-Continue 10K training, and run at least three miles at less than 10:30 pace.
-Participate in Deepak Chopra's 21-day meditation challenge. I'm not even really sure what it entails, but I've wanted to start a meditation practice for years, and Oprah's face and the word "challenge" sucked me in.
-Invite someone over now that we actually have a living room and a couch.