Aug 28, 2010 19:53
I'm finally done with those goddamn German oral exams. I think I did pretty well in this one. We had to do a monologue for this one, which is basically rambling on a topic they give you for three minutes. This is hard for everyone because it's quite advanced stuff. Sometimes I wish I were like my brother, who left his German behind at 16 and returned to it a year later in school. I left it behind at fucking 8 years old and only returned to it at 16, so there's a big difference. Oh, FYI when I mean 'left German behind' I do mean leaving the language behind, but more specifically leaving the language behind in Germany, to move to Australia, where I am now. Capito?
I've gone back to brain storming ideas for my book again. I decided not to start off my writing career with the series I've been working on for more than three years now. Honestly, it's still too precious to me. Not too precious to get out and into the world mind you, I mean I don't want to fuck it up. It's an extremely complicated story and it's very long. I will still add to it while I write other shit, but for now I'm choosing my 5th project to start off with, which I am currently planning. However I'm having trouble finding some good personality traits for my fucking main character. Good personality traits as in usefulness. Well, sort of. I mean, he is rather useful to the story, but I want him to be more... developed, that's the word I'm looking for... developed. Oh well, I'll find something for the mofo eventually. I mean I finally came up with a backstory that makes sense for him, so...
Now to the other three main characters.
Haaaa... It's tough work being a writer. <3
High school is ending soon. Woopdie-friggin-doo. I really don't mind, and I'm not freaking out. Yet. I mean, it might really hit me at graduation... I dunno. Anyway, uh... I'm basically very, very, very not sure where to apply to for fuckign University. I want to be a writer, but there are like no writing courses out there.