Fangel Drabble - Babe, I'm Gonna Leave You

Jan 07, 2007 02:25

Between my two other main stories that I continue to stall, I wrote a somewhat Fangel drabble. *shrugs* It's what I do. It's all cryptically written, and I like it that way. Sorry if it confuses you lol. Anyways-- enough rambling, on with the story.

Title: Babe, I'm Gonna Leave You
Pairing: Faith/Angel with references to Buffy/Angel
Word Count: 810
Set During Graduation Day Part 1&2
What would have happened if Faith didn't fall off the roof and Buffy fed her to Angel?


The knife sliced deep inside of her, and she felt the blood start to pour out onto their conjoined hands. The knife slides out again, and she made to lash out at the girl who did this to her, but her arm doesn’t move. She clasps her hands across the wound, attempting to stop the blood. She watches as sorrow-filled green eyes meet hers, only moments before the world goes black. Instead of falling backwards, she slumps down next to the girl’s feet. It was only a matter of time now.

Feeling the guilt consume her thoughts, she pushes it down, remembering her purpose. She lifts up the dark slayer’s body and drags her over to the ladder. She awkwardly descends the steps with Faith in tow, slowly reaching the ground below. Careful to stick to only back alleys, she finally comes upon Angel’s mansion. Thankfully she finds it empty and drops Faith onto the floor. Her chest is barely rising and falling, the only sign that she is still alive. Breathing deeply, she makes her way to Angel’s bed. The words out of her mouth are deaf to her ears due to the pounding of her heart. She coaxes him into the other room. Her eyes are glued to the girl on the floor as she leads him to her.

He can smell the blood before he even sees her body. The poison makes it hard to focus, but he knows who is lying there. A part of him hesitates, deep down he knows how wrong this is. He crouches down over her unconscious body and gently brushes the dark brown hair out of her eyes. Glaring eyes burn a hole in the back of his neck, and he wants to get up and beat the look off her face, but he doesn’t. It’s the only way. He just keeps repeating that in his mind. A strong arm slips under Faith’s body, and he carefully lifts her throat to his lips. Ignoring the throbbing heartbeat echoing in his mind, he bites down through her pale skin. The warm liquid fills his mouth as he drinks. With each gulp he can feel his strength returning. He knows that he should stop, but the demon pushes him on. He barely even knows the girl in his arms. Sometimes he wishes he knew her better, but that never will happen. Not after all she has done, not after what she’s turned into. Time loses meaning, but eventually he retracts his fangs and pulls away. His senses come rushing back and he scans over Faith’s limp body. She’s covered in dark crimson blood, but there’s still a faint pulse. She’s a fighter. Slowly standing, he gathers her up in his arms. Shouts from the blonde resound through the room, but he doesn’t care. He leaves the girl he loves to save someone that he should hate. It shouldn’t be that way… but he runs faster to the hospital anyways.

The doctors ask him questions, but there is so little he knows about this girl. He realizes that he doesn’t even know her last name. Once everyone has stopped bandaging her wounds and jabbing her with needles, the doctor tells him that the girl may never wake up. He honestly has no reason to care, but he truly does and can’t explain why. The room empties and all that is left is the two of them. He sits by her bedside and takes her hand in his.

She was so beautiful. He didn’t know why he hadn’t seen it before. Well, he did know why. It was because of Buffy. The girl he was supposedly in love with… the girl that he was leaving. Everything was so confusing. He shouldn’t be spending his time here, not with an impending apocalypse on their heels. But despite all the things he told himself, he couldn’t get his body to move.

“I’m sorry.” She obviously couldn’t respond, and he was fairly certain she couldn’t even hear him. “I’m sorry that I couldn’t save you when I had the chance.” He shakes his head at the thought of his failure. “I wish that you would’ve let me in. I wanted to help you, I just…” He laughed at himself. It was so stupid; here he was talking to a murderer in a coma, someone who had purposely tried to kill him. Why should he feel guilty about saving himself? Yes, he had almost killed her, but she had done the same to him. It was justice… wasn’t it?

They sat in silence for a long time until he remembered what he needed to do. He planted a kiss on her forehead and got up from his seat. He took one last glance as he left the room, knowing that he would never see this beautifully broken girl again.

fic: buffy/angel, fics, pairing: buffy/faith, fic: btvs, fic: faith/angel, pairing: buffy/angel, pairing: faith/angel

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