May 01, 2008 21:44
i wonder why the only times i ever feel like typing here is when i have something to rant, or about something i'm totally dwelling on. why can't i talk about how happy i am or something?
so here i go, i don't like group projects. do people not know how to set their priorities? i mean for the last assignment, i see that we were able to work last minute because there's a lot of information out there for us to use. but this time, it's all about meeting in groups and forming something. this time, we can't just separate the parts and just do it because it's not even like that. we have to get together and talk about it. this assignment is due monday and we didn't even set anytime to meet. like are you planning to tell me last minute when we're meeting up? wtf. and then they picked countries(continents) to do, and didn't even bother to ask me about it. time and time, i call to ask to meet up and do this project, but they say their busy and that they can't work on it. i totally understand why the other girls left this group in the first place.. so unorganized. if we don't get a good grade on this assignment...
the semester is winding down and there's still a shitload to do. looking forward to those finals. not to mention the summer classes i'm taking this summer. breaaaaathe. i'm just glad bio lab is over, i really am, in some ways or another.
kind of wished i chilled more with my lab group. i'll see them over the summer, but you know, it's not the same. guys are so chill to hang with