Mar 10, 2004 23:05
***It just keeps coming.. and coming***
Hahaha *hugs* I love my LJ. I just have this urge to rattle on.. and on.. and on. Missed two weeks of posting and now I do two in a row basically.. O_o hmm.. weird. OK so continuing with my thought on not growing old, I noticed something the other day at Uni. Isn't it a great place? I can wander around and get all this information thrown at me, which in turn becomes a weird train of thought. Who says you don't learn things at Uni? Learn things even when standing in line at the bookstore. What I noticed was the two old and frail security guards there at the bookstore. As I waited for Jeff to buy my notes for me (haha laziness), I sat outside watching the people come in and out ;). As I was doing that, I noticed that the security guards too were.. 'watching the crowd' otherwise known as 'checking out the talent'. Quite a good job considering they're 60 years older than everyone there.
***Lolita vs Shouta Complex***
Hahaha as I wrote that about the old people I had this amazing thought, and quickly looked up the opposite of a Lolita Complex.. it's apparently called a Shouta Complex; where a younger person likes an older one. What can of worms this opens I don't know, but I love thinking weird so bear with me.
Now society in general accepts.. and in some ways encourage the whole females going out with older guys. Watch anything related to schools on TV and you'll see these girls drooling over some guy in a year above them. In general, it's not really encouraged or anything that an older guy 'goes for' younger girls; people generally see them as sexual predators. Furthermore, when the ages start going wider, the tolerance scales tip more so. Old men with young girls hanging on their arms are looked upon; dirty old men chasing young girls (ie security guards). The girls there are generally looked on as gold diggers.
But SOMEHOW when the woman is older in the relationship, society in general doesn't have that much of a problem with it. Look at the example of Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher.. I mean, what the?! And American Pie pushing the whole MILF concept. In these relationships, when both people are 'adults' as such, who is to "blame" for this? Is there something wrong with liking someone the age of your parents or children?
So speaking of Uni among other things, last entry I made a note about Farrago's two good articles and only alluded to one. The other, was a beautifully written commentry on politics and forms of government titles "A Monopoly on Morality".
First years - you are yet to experience the dominant left-wing perspective which is found throughout studies at University - particularly in the Arts faculty. One of the most annoying tendencies of left-wing academia is the assumption that only those from a left-wing point of view can be truly morla, or act in the best interests of society as a whole. These are often perpetrated by simplistic emotive arguments which fall down when looked at more logically and so starts the article attacking the left-wing ideals forced upon us; where democracy and freedom of speech is actually just restricted by these pseudo-moralistic banner waving pacifists.
It unleashes two scenarios on us, demonstrating the inability of people to see why a democratic government boasting equality is detering our country, and the world for that matter, from growing to it's full potential. First scenario, the economy is in decline and you lose your car, your rich neighbour loses two cars, hence you're more "equal" and people will talk about the reduction of the poverty gap. Second scenario, the economy is in the rise, you get a car, your rich neighbour gets two cars. As unfair as that is, obviously it's better in the second scenario where your rich neighbour loses less or gains more, the economy in general is better off.
This article is so greatly written I was tempted to transcribe it here. Julian Barendse is a like minded politician. I'll be all for his dictatorship when he comes into power. Just goes to show there are weirdos out there like me.
***Sex in the City?***
For those of you who watch it, you'll understand better than I do, but I remember seeing Carrie Bradshaw (Sarah Jessica Parker) doing her column and realising she doesn't really work that much. haha but besides that, it really sounded like my LJ is kinda like her column. Especially when she types and does the whole voice over thing.. I can hear my little voice telling me what to type (in a non-crazy way). All I have to do to make it like her is comment on the social standing of men and/or women then throw in a F-U-C-K here and there.
I was going to do a whole thing on the fragile and yet powerful male ego.. then thought.. nah.. I really don't know what I'm talking about anymore.
***Some music thing***
Blank. I don't know... can't be stuffed finding pictures and all that. Scroll down and flick though Baby VOX.. I haven't gotten around to getting more FinKL yet. I could do KISS, the Korean girl group who did "Because I'm A Girl".. hmmmm.. nope. Lazy. Tired.
Stupid Fact - Horoscopes (they're stupid)
Really, how did people come up with an astrological means to predict our future? As a strong believer in fate and what not, tarot cards and the like I can believe, but really... the stars are just.. STARS. Planets moving around in a set path, at a set rate, can be plotted by maths. A mathematician can "predict" the damn fate of people a thousand years later. There will also be a time when the planets will repeat their cycle.. do we all restart our cycle of life or something?
Quite stupid that any person born in a month's period, falling under the same Star Sign, will have the same fate that day. I looked at the horoscope today wondering if all other Aquarians are doing what the horoscope says. And you know the funny thing; I've actually begun to feel like *I'm* letting down the horoscope when my life doesn't do what it says. hahaha I can't help but read it, and then feel like I've disappointed it. Conclusion? The horoscope is a powerful thing, and if it's stupid, so am I.