
Jan 14, 2007 02:03

***SuWei's Going Away BBQ***
So SuWei is heading off to (has gone and arrived already to) Sweden and so there was a little going away BBQ. Here are some pics, as usual gallery is here.

Motion Capture 1!

Playing with my new camera's multi-shot function, I was able to capture Suwei's pre-picture hair prop
Quick, call the RSPCA

Glenn was doing something wrong to PongPong.. you can tell by that strange ecstatic face.. that's so wrong.

Glenn let out an audible sigh as Nance wanted to give him a new leash

OK Burt, I know Mel is eating, you don't have to swear at me. hahaha

Puppy Pose?

The two girls posed with their puppies in hand.. hahaha *ehem*
Mmmm.. meat...

Isn't it good that SuWei eats meat now?

Can't complain NOW Faye

You can't complain when you don't know you're being photographed
What do I do?!

Linda ditched and left SuWei to the cooking of the meat.

Asian Pose? Wait a sec...

Mel attempted to pass off "piss off" sign as an Asian pose. Maybe in Korea Mel.. not here!! *grr*

Faye wanted to know if Mel was wearing anything under below the shirt... Burt didn't want to know


Queen of Immaturity lol

The following three shots are in unedited sequence


Suwei was rewarded with a certificate for escaping Melbourne. Enjoy Sweden!!
Group Photo!

Self timer.. how convenient..

***BBQ Pancakes!!***
Being bored as we are, and too lazy and poor to DO anything, we went on this little adventure. Having found one BBQ occupied and the others "not working" at the Studley Park Boathouse, we carried what be bought at Safeway to a park near Glenn's house. Here, we began making pancakes. There was a guy with two dogs in the park, but he left cuz two guys out for some pot kicked his dog.. O_o the two guys were funny though when they came over. Gave them some pancakes, but they seemed more drunk than really high. After filling up on a lotta pancakes, we went and took some stupid pics on the playground equipment.. haha

Team work!

Luu poured the pancake mix, Glenn used the spatula

Mel took over from the pancake flipping, everyone was quite impressed

Disaster strikes...

Glenn thought he'd be artistic and make a donut.. but the mixture was running out! Quick!! Fill it in!!!
Begone demons!!

As if possessed by a dead child's spirit, Amy played happily (in a creepy dead children's way) on the flying fox

Luu decides to give Glenn a hand by kicking him in the balls
Group photo!!

Having self timer is awesome.. this group photo was an excuse made by Luu so he could mount Glenn

A few seconds later Luu realised he dropped his money..

Then Luu tried to get on and Glenn started to cry

Luu listens intently as Winz described his last time on a swing

Luu passes on the story to Glenn.. with some hand movements for emphasis

Hey calm down..

Glenn reached with his hand, Winz put his head closer.. Luu was enjoying this too much.
OK how bout this?

Mel felt a bit left out...


Where Luu got that branch no one knows.. and that's Glenn's hand groping Winz

No comment...


The look of glee on Luu's face was almost psychotic

Glenn couldn't help breaking the moment between Winz and Amy
You can see the rest of the pics through the usual link, or directly through this link.

***Yes.. Asia!***
So anyways, I've blown a crapload on and here's my latest shipment.

Finally I got Eunjin's Album Zeeny's.. unfortunate that there aren't many pictures of her in it.

Miyoun's Refreshing album is amazing.. strange paper case (left front, right back), booklet is quite nice though stuck onto the inside cover

DAI Live In Japan 2!! I got so much to watch, but will watch this soon.

My second Baby Vox poster, I wanna laminate them both nowI'm so excited about the new Baby Vox CD/DVD coming out soon.. pre-ordered it, but now it's delayed.. well either way, still happy ^__^

***Hello! Project Rantings***I've been listening to the 2006 version of Koi no Dance Site from the Morning Musume Odore Curry concert too much.. lol it's strangely addictive. Mikitty's "I can't believe I'm doing this" attitude is so funny and Sexy-Beam Eri version kills me, but not as much as Reina's "Kiss wo suru tabi iya da, Bon Bo Ba Bon". Seriously, having subbed 4 concerts, Reina is the best music performer there is. She may not have the best dancing or singing, but she knows how to work the camera.. too bad she's so reserved in H!M and other tv shows, if only she could be good friends with Eri instead of that stupid Sayu. Sayu is a BAD influence on Eri.

I also can't wait for Yossie to graduate.. I think we've all been waiting for this one a long long time. For me personally, it's gonna be another awesome concert to sub.. that and I can't wait for Mikitty to rule with an iron fist. There hasn't been any crying on H!M for a long time hahaha. Speaking of H!M, OMG it's coming back to it's peak with all the stupid games (I hope they get rid of the Pucchi Game segment though) and I'm a bit behind so I haven't seen the last Mr Sweat Segment.. hope Eri keeps her special news segment. Bring back Yuuko!!!

Having seen the audition episode (I'm really behind ok :P) I'm actually confused about all the hatred towards Aika. When I first saw her, yeah she's not the typical "idol" look, and she does talk with this strange way that makes her look.. well.. slow, but I think it'll be interesting (btw where the hell does Tsunku come up with "she's burning at 62%"? haha Tsunku is a legend). Yes, out of the 6th finalist she was one of the worst at singing and dancing, but she does have potential I guess..

My favourites Minami Okumura, Sumire Saitama and Ayumi Masuda didn't get through.. but I think I understand. Minami was a FREAK of a fan, how egotistically would you get if you got into the group you loved so much? We have too many egomaniacs in MoMusu already. That and her age would throw off the generations a bit like how Mikitty screwed Takahashi from becoming leader now, she'd be better off going solo anyways.. that and she seems a bit serious too, a bit Mikitty (mature perhaps? though that's what made Mari so loveable). Sumire I liked at first because she was so energetic, her smile was cute and sang well. Then the bopping started getting to me.. she's too energetic and has this childish feel to her. She should join Berryz or C-ute? Lastly Ayumi.. lol it feels wrong to judge a 13 year old on her "potential" but this girl had it all. It's unfortunate she dropped out in the final stage.. I hope that she gets the Avex audition, though it's sorta like.. why bother going for H!P if you're gonna quit and do Avex? I reckon if she was still around her and Sumire could have made it in together, hence Tsunku holding her back in the dance check to put into the other group. I dunno where the clip in her voice is though, that I couldn't hear.. O_o

Oh I have a theory as to why Tsunku only picked one girl for both 7th and 8th gen auditions... they're running outta money. Long gone are the days when Hello! Project was licensed to print money and could pay 15 girls to sing one song and pop out an album every 2 years. What's this 10th year anniversary surprise? I wanna know!!! Damn you Tsunku..

Ichi The Killer
This film adaption of the manga is directed by Miike Takashi, a sadistic and violence loving internationally acclaimed director (who's style is much like Quentin Tarantino) perfectly suits this black comedic gorefest of a yakuza film. With a long list of yakuza films prior to this, the twisted movie Audition, and the much talked about Visitor Q, Ichi the Killer leads Miike's career into producing a movie I must get my hands on Chakushin Ari (One Missed Call), as well as giving him acting roles in movies such as Last Life In The Universe and Hostel.

Over the top violence and gore in all its B-grade greatnessSo enough about the director, the movie's lead Asano Tadanobu (of notible film fame, and also married to Chara the whispery pop singer) plays Kakihara, the righthand man to the boss of the Anjo gang. With the boss missing and along with him a large portion of the gang's money, Kakihara goes on a rampage through Shinjuku to find his beloved boss. At the same time, there is a rumour that a skillful assassin (Ichi) is out to take out the rest of the Anjo gang. From here, the plot is just a device for which Takashi to display one brutal sequence to another. You'll get pimps beating hos, a guy hanging from hooks being tortured with deep frying oil, self mutilation and a strange homage to S&M. As Kakihara states, everyone has a bit of masochist and a bit of sadist in them.. Ichi is mainly sadistic where as Kakihara is mainly masochistic, another reason for his search for Ichi. The violence in this movie is comical in the same was as Ryuhei Kitamura's style of violence. One seen has Kakihara running back, to find the door to the gang's apartment open; the next second, blood and body parts a flying out. Unrealistic; yes, funny; depends on the mood you're in.

Kakihara eating a fist and offering his tongue as penance, bad ass!!Ichi the Killer is hard to to review. Takashi was going for B-grade, so you can't criticize him for it and the humour is dark and twisted. I guess it comes down to if it's your kind of movie; you either love it or you don't. If you like over the top graphic violence and stupid black comedy yakuza style, then this is for you. If not, well don't say I didn't warn you. I personally loved the two rings on Kakihara's mouth; they kept his face together.. best.yakuza.ever!
Ab-normal Beauty
Honky films are rarely scary. This was.. at points suspenseful, but hardly scary.. in fact, as the film progressed into the "twisted twist" I grew bored of the movie. I've seen too many of these, and luckily, yet at the same time slightly paradoxically unfortunate for the film, the twist is explained with one short flash back and which deters from fleshing out the real reason behind the "big bad" of the movie. Perhaps Oxide Pang (of the Pang brothers fame) wanted to leave the viewer thinking anyone you see on the street could be this like this, though this reason is weak hence detracting from being a good psychological thriller.

Jiney and "lover" Jas, prior the film turning into HostelThe movie starts with our antagonist Jiney (played by Race Wong from the pop group 2R) as an art student. Leaving painting class, she is chased by Anson (played by.. err Anson Leung) who congratulates her winning yet another photography prize. Disgusted at this, she claims that though critics like her work, if she doesn't then it doesnt matter. Meeting up with her friend Jas (played by real life sister and fellow 2R member Rosanne Wong), the two leave Anson standing around like an idiot. The movie starts slow, it really does. From the offset though, you get the sense that Jiney and Jas are more than friends, and yes latter leads onto a lesbian relationship (hahaha suck that Twins, you could never pull this off). Anyways, the main plot of the story begins with the director Oxide linking this movie slightly with Danny Pang's Leave Me Alone where Ekin Cheng plays a brother who crashes his car and kills a pedestrian. The fatal accident happens leads Jiney to take a picture of the dead body. Becoming obsessed with death, she begins taking pictures of a butcher slaughtering chickens and various dead animals such as dogs and fish. She goes to the bookstore to and buys books to study up on death, and begins having psychotic hallucinations. As the film moves forward, you see the (too few) suspenseful will she/won't she moments regarding her actually CREATING death so as to photograph it. Then through the support of her girlfriend gets over it, but the film throws a curveball at you and Jiney is now haunted by mysterious twisted tapes with brutal murders.

Jiney and Jas share a moment, right before the tapes start coming inAnd that's where the film spirals into yet another Saw or Hostel. Some freak in a gimp mask sends Jiney tapes of people getting smacked around with a lead pipe. Why this person is doing it? Well you won't really guess who it is and it doesn't explain why or what happened to everyone else, but by this point I had given up caring. Another thing you won't care about; the lesbian relationship between Jiney and Jas. It serves no purpose and throughout the film remains a platonic relationship. Race Wong's performance of a demented pyschopath though was refreshing in its believability, and the scene in which she gives Anson an evil smile, telling him to get out of her house whilst looking over at the knife on the table was almost chilling. A big plus for a Honky film. I would have liked it to go more in that direction.. the only problem with following the "Jiney going psycho story" is that the reason for her psychosis is as stupid as Anson. lol that's REALLY stupid; she has issues with her mother being overseas all the time and was sexually abused by her cousins when she was younger.. cuz you know, that leads to a need to take pictures of dead things (rolls eyes). Yes, that is what you'll do throughout this movie, the acting is alright and the cinematography was actually quite good, unfortunate about the script though.

photos, baby vox, bbq, hello! project, ab-normal beauty, ichi the killer

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