2007.. mmm

Jan 04, 2007 00:45

So everyone is making all these pre/post New Years entries across the whole lj/blog/xanga thing.. well.. might as well I guess (though it's taken a while due to the uploading). So I take it I should be reflective, well as always on these holidays.. I am.. but no more than I usually am I guess. Always bitter about holidays though.. tho New Years at Vegas 2 years ago was pretty awesome, gotta do that again with frenz. Anyways, I think I've bitched enough to the right people to curb this blah blah feeling.

So time to reflect on the year as a whole. A lot has happened.. A LOT has a happened.. hmm the year sorta felt like it went by slowly. How does that make sense though? I dunno, it was so packed and it was just moving from one long moment to the next.. even the good parts felt like they lasted a long time. Long rollercoaster ride that you can't get off. I guess in that respect I felt a bit trapped, no control of where I was going or how I was getting there. In that sense though, I should have accepted that with my belief in Fate and what not.. but as a flawed unenlightened I am allowed my silly human preconception of being able to dictate what I can and can't do.

I'd do the whole "here's my 2006 year in photo form" but I cbf. I'll upload pics of everything from the start of the year, and you can all access my gallery anyways on this gallery link.

So just a touch on the New Year.. as with all "big" holidays, it doesn't really feel like it. Well definitely not at my house, we don't really celebrate all that much and I've mentioned to people that yeah it would have been better if there were some big family thing with lotsa kids and uncles and aunties.. but I'm here in Aus and that ain't gonna happen. Oh well.. still, NYE celebrations was good, different. I think I'm getting too old either way, regardless of whatever I do. For the record I stayed at home (hahahahahaha damn I nearly pulled it off, stupid failing memory forgot that last person to keep in the loop).

hmm.. so any new years resolutions? No. Have you heard my rant? haha a New Years Resolution cheapens all your other resolutions through the year, why make one more or less significant than the others.. just cuz the year is new? I was born on January 21st, my new year starts then. heh but anyways, having said that I think I should be more appreciative of things and treat SOME people nicer. I should be even more reflective and also be more understanding. Understand that there are people that may mean well, but also keep in mind that "the road to hell is paved with good intentions".

***The distant distant past***
Just cuz I couldnt be stuffed before.. on the 27th Decemeber was costume party trivia night. hmm.. a good night on most accounts with lotsa stupidity and yelling and laughing, which is always good. Anyways, I'm too tired.. post some pictures that'll do. Thanx for hosting that Suwei and Melissa.

***Coming Soon***
With my mum back from HK with a HUGE stack of movies, I'm gonna slowly go through them and review some more. On the same note of movies, I'd like to do a recall or at least a solid acknowledgement of who has got what.. currently the people who I had down for 2 movies have said they've returned it, but I don't remember and don't see it anywhere.. nor is my list marked that they've returned it. Shall revamp that system to make sure I don't lose things, because I lost ORIGINAL Old Boy and Shimotsuma Monogatari. OLD BOY AND SHIMOTSUMA DAMN IT!!!

I've also watched already and ready to review Ichi the Killer and Abnormal Beauty, both ridiculously gory action/horror films. But I thought I'd post this long overdue entry ASAP.

Anyways, Coming Soon:
A Moment to Remember
Hana & Alice
Love Collage
Lover's Concerto
My Scary Girl
My Tutor Friend
My Wife is A Gangster 2
Nobody Knows

Shiri and Exiled are action.. the rest are romantic comedies, dramas or arthouse movies. My exposure to gore was a bit short.. need to balance out!! I wanna watch Old Boy again >__

photos, nye

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