Mar 09, 2008 22:21
Today has been AMAZING!
It's actually been a really good weekend full stop. On Saturday I went out swimming and swam 24 lengths, one of which was my first whole butterfly length :0D. Swimming is definately getting easier. I'm feeling stronger and as a result I'm getting faster.
Today though I decided to go Ice Skating. It's something that I've been wanting to do for ages and and I decided to bite the bullet and go for it. I knew this weekend I needed to push myself a little and just start being the normal healthy person that I am. I had to go out and do something I would really enjoy, but that once again got me out of that old pattern of worrying about what it would do to me (which would be nothing!). My sister Steph and I had about 1/2 a mile walk to the ice stadium and then a long wait to get in. Getting out on to the ice for the first time was sooooo wierd! I havent been Ice skating since I was 16 and for the first 20 minutes I had to re-learn how to skate.
I suprised myself with how good I was on the ice. Sure my balance, strength and stamina aren't quite what they were a few years ago, but with a couple of drink stops I did about 45 minutes on the ice. There were loads of people there and I was sure I was going to fall on my arse, but incredibly niether me nor Steph hit the deck! There were a couple of close calls though and a few flailing arms. I also walked back to the car after the skating, which gave me a real 'I'm a normal person' buzz. The more time that goes by, the better I'm getting at pre-empting sitiuations, which give rise to anxious/negative thoughts (which aggravates the amygdala, which switches on the adrenaline loop...etc) and the better I am at controlling them using the process. I guess what I'm trying to say is the more practice I'm getting the easier it's all becomming.
I really enjoyed going skating! I reckon when the the learn to skate courses come back around me and Steph'll sign up. I will definately have to buy my own skates though as those plasticy ones are evil and gave me a nice set of blisters!
Also on a completely unrelated note. A couple of joy riders span off the tiny roundabout outside our house yesterday evening and plunged into the garden wall of the house two doors down. The impact was huge, the whole house shook (I thought it was an Earthquake until I remembered the sound of screeching tyres) and when we looked out the window we could see the mangled remains of a soft top resting against the wall of the house opposite 2 doors down. We got out to see if the morons inside the car were alright, but they got out and legged it, even though one had a nasty head wound. The wall thought of the house two doors down is completely demolished. It's about 4 foot high and two bricks thick! There were bricks all over the road and the pavement.
The moron's had come speeding out of the road down the side of our house, over the slippery wet roundabout (it's one of those little white mounds), lost control, gone into 2 doors down's wall, smashed in the front and side of the car, bounded back into the road, comming to rest at opposite 2 doors down's own garden wall (thankfully not impacting it). Don't know if the police caught the morons. I suspect not, but I would like to hope so. Unfortunately our road (being the village high street) is a hot spot for boy racers and we nearly always hear them reving up and down the road at all hours of the morning. So I guess it was always a matter of time before one of them crashed and thank god they didn't take anybody with them! Bloody idiots!
Anyway, I'm off to bed, been a big...but very normal person day!
lightning process,
ice skating,