Jan 31, 2008 13:51
I went with my mum to see strictly come dancing live last night and it was sooooo good! It's the first time I've been out at night for years and it was the best time. I had loads of fun playing with my make-up, using hair straightners and lamenting the poor state of my wardrobe, hehe!! I really do have no going out clothes, because I just havent needed them! Can't wait to rectify that at the weekend/next week!
The actual show was good! It was just like the show on a Saturday, where the couples compete and get judged. All the judges were there except bruno and almost all the professional dancers! It was really good, the costumes are MUCH more sparkly in reality than on TV and it was nice to be able to watch what I wanted to watch, rather than what the camera man thought I should watch.
The show was at the Nottingham Ice area and I picked up a learn to skate pamphlet too! I really want to achieve one of my childhood ambitons and learn to skate backwards!
I managed wonderfully, especially after going for a 1.5 mile walk earlier in the day! Today I've woken up feeling amazing, so happy, calm and full of energy. I've just gotten back from a dog walk with Jake! The LP is really starting to kick in, I'm not having to do the process as much (about 10-20 times a day) and I can feel the new pathways I've created are starting to take over and the old ones die off. I just feel incredible, healthy, happy...calm and relaxed.
I had a little wobble last night when I started to realise that the world was suddenly out there, but I'm just taking it one little step at a time. Doing a little bit and enjoying myself and gently easing myself back into life, not getting so overwhelmed that I freak myself out. I'm not going to let anything get in the way of this...It's just too wonderful.
I'm going to take up a belly dancing class in march and am going to try and find a Yoga class too!
lightning process,
new experiences,