Worthy of Mention

May 13, 2010 01:58

Title: Worthy of Mention
Author: moi
Pairing: JongKey
Genre: Romance
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: It's all lies.
Summary: There's quite a number of things Kibum likes.
A/N: I liked it. And then I hated it. Now I guess I'm content with it /bipolar

There's quite a number of things Kibum likes. Surprisingly, or not really, Jonghyun seems to be linked to a vast majority of them.

First and foremost, Kibum likes early mornings. He likes the hushed come ons and light chuckles that pull him out of bed just in time to see the sky tinged orange and violet. The way the scent of coffee is cascaded by Jonghyun's shampoo. Debating over how his pajamas really do match the frame of his glasses. Mornings may be filled with colours and aromas, but the fact that he perceives them is not entirely his fault.

But Kibum also likes lazy afternoons. Precious, free hours that allow him to do nothing but sink into the couch, mindlessly surfing channels while the usual bantering reaches his ears. Mostly, he enjoys filtering out everything else when Jonghyun starts singing in some room nearby. How he always feels the need to mute the television and let his eyes close contentedly. How he knows the only way he's going to fully relax is by dragging the older boy next to him; having him hum into his ear.

However, he couldn't forget to mention the warm showers. The water falling onto his hair and sliding past his cheeks, only to be lapped up by Jonghyun's rough tongue right when the droplets reach Kibum's jaw line. The touch of slick fingers on his hips. The feeling of being pushed against the tiled wall. The small, hasty moves that are supposed to make both of them meet at the right height. He even likes carelessly losing his contact lenses somewhere along the way; how Jonghyun's mouth is always there to swallow smiles and laughter.

Kibum adores having someone to sleep against during quiet nights. Sneaking under Jonghyun's covers whenever everybody else is asleep (or maybe even not, but he doesn't really care). Grabbing his hand and wrapping it around himself without even asking. Making sure they fit together as much as humanly possible. Feeling the other's breath on the very base of his nape. Waking up to him.

But what Kibum actually loves is Jonghyun's stuttering - because Jonghyun never really stutters. Kibum's heart pounds whenever Jonghyun's lips shake against certain words. His stomach tightens and his palms sweat, even though he's on the receiving end and he really should not care, but he obviously does.

"I-" he barely begins, on his way to something he's not quite sure he'll finish.

"Yeah?" Kibum prompts when his turn comes, and it's barely a whisper but they both hear it despite the static of the line, so it's all good. Kibum catches the sound of two buttons being pushed by accident. There really must be no easy way around this, for Jonghyun.

"I-" a pause and then, "You know, right?" the older boy asks, his tone extremely tight, and everything is amplified by the fact that Kibum hasn't seen him in three days. Three days.

Kibum's hand comes up to fix a tuft behind his ear, hair sticking to his face. He kind of forces his heartbeat to drop. "I do," he replies as his eyes fall shut.

He hears Jonghyun sigh. "We'll be waiting for you," is the last thing the boy says, and Kibum wonders why he even agreed to getting out of town.

"Won't be long," he says and the silence that they share afterwards says even more than they said themselves. Hanging up feels much better, even though he's aware that a part of him probably sneaked back home through the phone line.

But Kibum also likes delays. Because even if they take long, they eventually get things done. That's why he smiles more than he has these past three days, when his cell phone flashes with a new text message.

thought I should also mention that I love you

!fic, ♥jongkey

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