Title: Things that Go Bump in the Night [5/5]
Author: moi
Pairing: JongKey
Genre: AU
Rating: NC-17 for this chapter
Disclaimer: SME owns pretty boys and I own words. Talk about unfairness.
Summary: He breaks in what he swears isn't cold sweat, seconds before the door actually swings open.
Fic )
The way you portrayed them all is beautiful. Minho, Jinki and Taemin, all were kind of the way I imagine them to be, especially Taemin, in his own way. If you'd made him a hopeless magnae it would have bothered me greatly, but you made him more mature, which is skipping a fandom cliché and getting the key to my heart.
Speaking of keys, Kibum was wonderful in this. The fierceness of his stage persona, but it still had an undertone to it which reminded me of how he is when not performing, not really "gentle", but...(though on camera so we fangirls have no idea how they really are haha)
And Jonghyun, he had that... Sneakiness to him. Also he was cheesy. Also, obviously a kind of womanizer. Their first encounter and the one with the mails are really good.
Also, it's good you didn't rush everything, it made it sweeter. Even if you felt rushed writing some of it, the story wasn't particularly rushed, and you wrote about small things, insignificant things, really, that made the whole experience more pleasurable. :3
I wanna comment more but I might freak you out haha, so I'll stop now.
I fricken loved it though, you're my new fave. 8D
This little voice in my head keeps saying I could have done much better, had I just taken my time with it. Especially with points such as the characterisation and the progression of everything.
Reading this just made me feel much better about it, like, seriously.
Thank you so so much for all your words, honestly. Wish I could give you a proper reply ♥
Just glad I made you happy. <3
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