Things that Go Bump in the Night [5/5]

Feb 18, 2010 17:45

Title: Things that Go Bump in the Night [5/5]
Author: moi
Pairing: JongKey
Genre: AU
Rating: NC-17 for this chapter
Disclaimer: SME owns pretty boys and I own words. Talk about unfairness.
Summary: He breaks in what he swears isn't cold sweat, seconds before the door actually swings open.
A/N: *points at rating* Between you and me, you knew this was coming XD Don't wanna make this too long, so I'll just say thanks to everyone for sticking around for this, it really means a lot. Hope you enjoyed this whole thing, even though it's not the best thing ever, or really that long. So yeah, thank you ♥

He breaks in what he swears isn't cold sweat, seconds before the door actually swings open.

When it does, his eyes lock on the amused stare Jonghyun is fixing him with (he was expecting this, he so was, the bastard). Instead of waving awkwardly, or worse, having his voice crack, he just shoves his hands into his back pockets and fakes a serious expression. Where the hell has his wit gone?

"It's funny you should be here," the blond says with a teasing smile, leaning against the door frame and not quite offering him to walk in.

Kibum's tongue creates a tsk sound, his eyes becoming harsher, or they at least try. "I only came because I forgot my keys here," he replies and focuses on only using the tips of his fingers to shove Jonghyun aside, pushing at his chest. And, of course, a fist closes around his forearm as he walks past him. Also, the door falls shut.

"Lame excuse," the other retorts and kind of forces him to turn towards him. Kibum really thinks it's too soon to go all tsk again.

"Please, I don't need excuses," he says with a roll of his eyes and jerks away. "Just give them to me and I'll be off," he tries to sound nonchalant while scanning the place hastily.

Jonghyun raises an eyebrow. "I didn't happen to stumble upon your keys," he air-quotes the last two words, but the action gets ignored by Kibum as he looks around. The 'bedroom' (which is basically just a king-sized bed and two nightstands on a higher level than the rest of the apartment) looks tidy. The minimal living room on the right looks tidy. The kitchen and the bathroom aren't visible, but they sure look tidy, too. Everything, everything looks freshly cleaned up, and it upsets Kibum. The only things seeming out of place are the unlit candles on the couple of stairs leading to the bed. Oh.

"Just hand them over. Don't want me here when you'll have company, do you," he almost, almost snaps at him.

He sighs and says, "I told you I got no keys," while bravely walking closer. "And I think I've got some time free," he adds with a thoughtful face, knuckles going down Kibum's arm.

"Like I even care," he responds and begins to inch away, which results in a failure as two hands come to rest on his hips and a hot breath showers his ear.

"Well, I do," he hears loud and clear and wet, and he's about to protest, honestly, when sharp teeth gently bite his lobe. The grasp on his hips tightens a bit, and his own hands wrap around Jonghyun's neck. They were meant to push instead of pull, but they do just that, perfectly betraying him.

"No, seriously-" he says hurriedly, mostly to himself, it seems, but he finds it hard to elaborate, considering Jonghyun manages to busy his mouth. His lips automatically part upon being nibbled. Umph. His legs move along as he's being led backwards.

"Stairs," Jonghyun manages to warn in between kisses, the flash of slightly puffier lips clearly not helping Kibum comprehend. He trips just the moment their mouths meet again, stronger arms grabbing anything, really, to keep him from falling.

"Goddammit," he swears and for a moment considers just downright leaving, until he feels his calves meet the bed, warm fingers snake their way under his shirt, lips sucking on his tongue and no, God no, why would he ever leave.

Goosebumps all over his torso, he can do nothing more than just kiss back, cling, hold on to anything offered. The hands on him get bolder, tugging his top upwards, and he grudgingly draws back for a moment, arms up in the air as the piece is being taken off and thrown away (he kind of feels ashamed it's the same as last night).

"Hey, I've done this before," he sees Jonghyun smirk, the latter's eyes taking in the displayed skin.

"Fuck you," he drawls, mean twist on his mouth only not really, before getting pushed onto the mattress.

Jonghyun shakes his head. "Nah."

Kibum is on his back, scrambling backwards till he hits the pillow, when the blond takes his own shirt off. And, holy hell, what could possibly be better than the trail of hair right under his bellybutton? He doesn't get to see much of it, what with Jonghyun getting on all fours on the bed, stalking his way towards him. If it wasn't for the majority of his blood abandoning any place but his groin, Kibum would comment on how this is one of the most awesome things he has ever seen.

After what feels like quite a long, long time, Jonghyun is hovering over him, tribal pendant swinging back and forth.

Kibum lifts his head off the mattress on his way to a kiss which never really comes, since Jonghyun draws his head back the last moment. His lips apart, Kibum gives it another try the moment the other dips back down, only to be avoided once more. He huffs when he sees the other's eyes twinkle in delight.

"Fuck, just," he doesn't even attempt not to sound frustrated, and his arms circle the blond's neck, effectively pulling him down in a teeth-smashing kiss. It's not enough, he decides before his legs lock around Jonghyun's hips, bringing him down (and he doesn't even care to wonder just when his shoes came off), when he can only groan at the friction between the two of them.

He feels Jonghyun smile against him as the blond thrusts down, making sure his presence is felt. Oh, it most definitely is. His lips abandon Kibum's own soon, which kind of leaves the latter lingering, until the sensation of a rough tongue on his collar bone makes him throw his head back, eyes closed tight.

Jonghyun's mouth closes around a patch of skin there, sucking on it in an action that breaks vessels, sure to create a bruise in a matter of seconds. It may hurt just a tiny bit, but heck, Kibum may as well let him ruin every single vessel in his body, if it turns out to be so pleasurable. His fingers clutch the sheets in need of something stable.

"Jesus. Christ," he pants at the sensory overload; skin on skin and fabric and teeth, and all this is too much, really. "Off, take them off," he commands/requests/begs, eyes opening to be fixed on Jonghyun, the moment everything just stops.

Jonghyun's lips hover centimeters over a just-created hickey, breath tickling the other's skin, stare teasing behind blond bangs. "I thought you said you didn't care," he says slowly and everything's so still it physically hurts Kibum. No motion at all.

That is until Kibum rolls his hips and his fingers easily grab onto Jonghyun's back, nails digging into flesh; tearing apart healing scars. "You do what I say."

The other inhales sharply at the white hot pain, but quickly recovers. He feels brave enough to release a deep chuckle, stopping when he hears him groan. He uses his palms to lift himself, the legs around his gradually letting him go, to make his task easier. On his knees once again, his fingers do quick work on his own belt and zipper, and Kibum kind of fails to pay close attention.

Before he even knows it, the blond has them both stripped to noting in a flash. Or, maybe, it wasn't really a flash, but it felt like that, to Kibum.

Soon, his knees are hooked over Jonghyun's shoulders (because if he doesn't prove he's bendy now, when will he, right?), and two arms steady the other on either sides of Kibum's head, closing in on him. He might as well asphyxiate, but he can't make himself care, right now. "Condom," he rasps out.

Too slow, Jonghyun's eyes say. "Already done," he replies and doesn't really give him any chance to even think anything, as he just pushes forward.

"Fuck!" he exclaims, fingers tight on the soft sheets. His eyes fall shut, teeth clenching as he takes a few seconds to get used to the feeling. Not necessarily painful, but harsh nonetheless.

The blond stills, exhaling heavily all over Kibum's face for a moment, before dipping down for a brief kiss, hoping to distract.

"Go on," Kibum instructs as soon as they break apart and Jonghyun gladly complies, thrusting forward generously.

Kibum can't really think of anything to say, or even think, apart from sweat, hair, more, skin, please more, but it seems to be just enough, in this case.

Then there's this stream of broken fucks and fasters and moans as the pace picks up, the feeling of having his hair pushed back, spots in his vision and the rush of being shoved over the edge; gone and never to return again. Wetness, pants and faint whispers of slurred words.

In short, bliss.

He's just so glad to have lost his keys. But mostly, he's drowsy.


The next thing Kibum feels, or kind of feels, is a press of something soft moving along his whole body. Waking up just a bit more, he realises it's actually kisses, small kisses moving higher and higher. Knee caps, thighs, hips, bellybutton. He sighs, his heavy eyes soon catching sight of a blond head coming out from beneath the covers.

"Hey," Jonghyun greets softly, and the smile on his lips is so silly it makes Kibum grin (and, Jesus, this is so cheesy).

"Hey," he echoes in a daze, his hands coming up on the other's face, uncontrolled. "Is this the standard wake-up call you offer?" he asks, smile still gracing his features, because he knows, actually knows that, no, others don't even spend the night here. Jonghyun doesn't let them.

"It's for regulars only," he replies cheekily, receiving a chuckle from Kibum. "And I don't know if you're interested, but there's also a sign-up form for- umph!"

Kibum kisses him, bold and clear, soothing away last night's bites with his tongue. And then he just draws back, breathless sooner than expected, thanks to the weight pressuring him. "But seriously," he almost pouts, "my keys," he says.

"Told you," Jonghyun begins, his fingers absent-mindedly running down the other's sides. "I don't have them," he replies and smirks at the look Kibum gives him. "But I do have..." he trails off, shifting towards the nightstand, opening the drawer.

Kibum just watches.

"These," he announces, bringing what he was looking for right over Kibum's head. A key ring, three keys dangling from it. Kibum recognises the pair as his own, but frowns at the third one.

"A spare to my apartment," Jonghyun explains simply, face unreadable, for the most part.

Kibum raises an eyebrow, still not doing anything. "Wow, commitment-freak, much?"

He snorts. "Just figured you wouldn't really mind the noise if you were a part of it. Regularly," he says, and the other takes some time comprehending.

"You don't even know me. I might come in and kill you in your sleep just 'cause I'm a psychopath."

"A psychopath whose family is well-off enough to provide you with a steady income without ever working. You eat your cereal with tons of milk, drink your coffee with extra sugar and you graduated from high school with honours, even though you sucked as a student - how come, by the way?" he says, clearly enjoying the way Kibum's eyes go wider word by word. "See, I do know you."


"Your brother."


There's a moment of silence, interrupted only by the metallic sound the keys make while falling on Kibum's chest. He hisses a tiny bit, due to the temperature contrast.

"So I just take these," he says slowly, trying to make sure.


"...Do you just hand out spares to whoever?"

"No," dead serious.

Kibum smiles, but manages to mask it quickly. "Good. Okay. So."


There are a few eyebrow rises, some smiles and a sniff.

"Go take a damn shower, you stink," Jonghyun complains, rolling over and pushing Kibum out of bed. And well, slapping his ass just as he manages to stand.

An angry face.


A content smile.

"Damn right."

!fic, ♥jongkey

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