Things that Go Bump in the Night [4/5]

Feb 11, 2010 22:35

Title: Things that Go Bump in the Night [4/5]
Author: moi
Pairing: JongKey
Genre: AU
Rating: PG-13 for this chapter
Disclaimer: SME owns pretty boys and I own words. Talk about unfairness.
Summary: While his eyes are still closed, Kibum's first instinct is to stretch lazily like a satisfied cat. And then, well, he realises he's butt-naked.
A/N: You still remember this one, right? XD Sorry if it feels rushed =( And actually, one more to go!

While his eyes are still closed, Kibum's first instinct is to stretch lazily like a satisfied cat. And then, well, he realises he's butt-naked.

He's not really surprised by this, but by the fact that the mattress feels different. The sheets stick to his flesh. The pillow underneath his head is too puffy. The air smells funky. A collage of information is forming in his head as seconds pass, his brain too stubborn to make assumptions, until the moment the evidence gets too much to handle; somebody's snoring.

His eyes snap open probably a bit too harshly, judging by the way his head spins and how his ears ring. His confused stare meets a white ceiling and it kind of locks there, too stunned to actually look around. He doesn't quite feel like confirming his suspicions. Basically, it's not like he needs to do so, but he knows it will eventually happen, so he turns his head anyway.

And sure enough, there he is, Kim Jonghyun in all his glory. To be perfectly honest, having an eye cracked half-open can't really be described as "in all one's glory", but everything looks good to Kibum right now. Laying there with one hand on his abdomen and one under the covers (which sadly hide his lower half, too), his form proudly gives Kibum flashbacks of last night. "Are they good?" you may ask, and well, let's just say Kibum actually got to understand why Jonghyun is so popular with the ladies.

He gets distracted by something vibrating by his head, which turns out to be his own cell phone. When did I even put it on the nightstand? he thinks for a second before reaching for it. He's not exactly shocked to see Taemin's number flash on the screen.

u can thank me l8r, just wake up 1st. @school atm

"Of course. Great," he exhales upon reading the message. His fingers still around the device, he looks sideways, checking on Jonghyun. The light sourcing from the phone's screen enhances the poor lighting in the room, even though it's not much; the blinds barely leave any room for that. The other grunts in his sleep, and it's at that point Kibum decides he actually needs to leave before he's up. That'd be awkward. Maybe he's not even supposed to be here right now.

Rolling the slightest, his bare feet meet the floor in no time. It feels like he needs to take a second just to get used to standing, and the sudden rush of dizziness stalls him for a bit, but he gets moving soon after that. It's not long before he at least has his underwear on, hunting for his socks. He instead discovers his pants, which saddens him. He struggles with putting them on for a bit, before his shirt catches his attention from its spot on top of a desk lamp. He probably yanks a bit too hard, if the lamp falling is any indication, and the thud the incident creates makes him freeze.

He can hear the sheets rustle for an agonisingly long period of time, until the noise stops. A cautious glance towards the bed informs him Jonghyun only rolled onto his stomach (and that's one nice, freshly scratched back. He makes a mental note to file his nails).

Having already pocketed his mobile unconsciously, he worms into the shirt, which surprisingly looks not-that-messed-up. Good. Soon, his socks are located and hastily put on, seconds before he slips into his boots.

He's good, so good, and everything's peachy.

He only sneaks one last stare at Jonghyun's -thankfully- still sleeping form, and momentarily prays before trying the door. It opens easily and silently, making him want to dance in delight.

He's outside in a flash.

The door closes with a soft click.

It only takes him a moment to notice the absence of his apartment's keys.

Everything's peachy.


He knocks on the personnel's door for the fifth time in the last two minutes.

Seriously, how is he in charge here, if he's not available 24/7? What if my house gets broken into? What if I need to pay rent? What if I need a spare key in case I forget mine at my neighbour's apartment? How do I even begin to explain that?

He makes another attempt before finally giving up. What he does next is simply leave everything behind, last night's clothes tight on his body.


"I can't believe you actually begged me to skip school for you," Taemin laughs out, sitting indian-style on the bench. His voice is combined with the sound of birds chirping on the trees all over them. He doesn't miss the way Kibum glares towards their general direction.

"I'm doing you a favour, don't make me go back on my decision," he warns while fixing his brother with a mean stare.

The boy chuckles, his backpack coming off his back and resting on the space between the two on the bench. "Okay. Care to elaborate on the mindless bitching you exhibited some minutes ago?" he asks with a smile and his eyes thoughtlessly wander around, taking in his surroundings; he likes coming to this park, it's only two blocks away from his high school.

"You know what happened," Kibum rolls his eyes. "And then I left in a hurry," he trails off.

"And?" the younger urges.

"And well, I forgot my keys at his house and locked myself out," he huffs, receiving a cross between a giggle and a gasp as a reaction. "You did it all, didn't you."

Taemin raises an eyebrow. "I didn't see you complaining while doing all things profane with him at the club last night. Man, you two had to get a room," he shakes his head and studies Kibum's facial expressions. "But I forget. You actually did," he teases shamelessly, earning himself a smack on the side of his head. The sound echoes a tiny bit. It actually makes him laugh.

"I hate you," he simply says before looking away, arms crossing over his chest.

They sit in silence for a good while, Kibum pursing his lips on his side of the bench, Taemin smirking on the other. Kibum wants to shoot these damn birds so bad, right now.

"So what are you gonna do?" Taemin asks, breaking the quiet, and his brother shrugs. "Not planning on going back, are you?" he tests him and Kibum easily fails to notice the look he's giving him.

"...Of course not," he replies after -most likely- giving it some thought, but it really doesn't convince Taemin.

He nods. "You could, say, sneak into my room for tonight, until you get a spare," he proposes vaguely, already guessing the answer he's going to get.

"Nah, I'll- I'll manage."

"Suit yourself."


When Kibum gets back, the sun's already set.

He didn't spend all his day with Taemin, considering the boy had to go home (poor thing has to still report to their parents), but tried to find different ways to distract himself. Like sitting on that bench. Stretching out on it. Walking around it. Banging his head against the trees. Practically anything that didn't require money, walking out in public or going back.

"Home, sweet home," he sing-songs in faux excitement once his finger pushes the call elevator button. The humming of the machine makes the blood in his veins buzz. He gets slightly tingly when entering the elevator, which turns from "slightly" to "hugely" the moment he reaches the 5th floor.

He doesn't even know what he's doing when he knocks on 504.

!fic, ♥jongkey

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