Title: Things that Go Bump in the Night [4/5]
Author: moi
Pairing: JongKey
Genre: AU
Rating: PG-13 for this chapter
Disclaimer: SME owns pretty boys and I own words. Talk about unfairness.
Summary: While his eyes are still closed, Kibum's first instinct is to stretch lazily like a satisfied cat. And then, well, he realises he's butt-naked.
Fic )
I don't even know why, but I seriously lol'd at:
It only takes him a moment to notice the absence of his apartment's keys.
Everything's peachy. 8D Other than that, the first sentence was pretty much an awesome way to begin, the last sentence is just perfect, and all the sentence in between are *forms an O with the fingers* top-notch. (Top-notch certainly sounds funny.) I have to agree with Anne, too. Like sitting on that bench. Stretching out on it. Walking around it. Banging his head against the trees. Practically anything that didn't require money, walking out in public or going back. That's one of my fave parts of this :3
Andandandand I love the pertty mental picture of Jonghyun's scratched back that you painted up. *flails*
I think I've said it before, but I seriously love your way of portraying Key, and Taemin, in this. I just want to pet him, laugh at him, coo at him, and push him to Jjong, lol. I like the way he thinks and his actions and all.
Oh, and oh Minho, you should stop being the disappearing janitor/ghost, lol.
And guess what. I didn't misread any sentences/words this time \O// I feel so proud.
In shock!!1! LMAO but awww, you are good job (Y)
Key confuses me as to how I should react, too XD Sometimes I'm in awe of his awesomeness, some other times I just pity the poor thing lol.
So so happy it made you laugh! ♥♥♥
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