If you want to play, it works like this: 1. Visit the master list, select your favorite 100 2. Post your favorite 100 behind a cut in your LJ (or if you can’t pick 100, as many as you can without going over) 3. Your f-list’s job is to write you “comment pr0n” for your favorites. no thanks, trying to get away from pr0n XD;;
nearly thought i missed out entries on my f-list again...
and apparently the way to try and get better rating these days in japan is to make appeal to fangirls... but then again the ratings these days for all the programs are at rock bottom :x
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first, i scare even the slight!fujoshi people in the society with tatsu and his vitamin x performance, then i start making 2 committee members into the forum/society OTP??
it really shows how crazy the fandom is sometimes, when you can see the last 6 minutes of episode 3 now. yes, episode 2 did just air on sunday. no, this wasn't based on a manga, for those who didn't know XD
i have never ever seen a picture of kumi-chan on a blog. whoa, the power of aizen-sama :D
ohhh i wanna go :P and there was this bulter cafe (i think the one they mention?) in shibuya i wanna go to too.... they were talking about it on the standard :x