(no subject)

Jan 12, 2012 10:52

i lost the link on my phone, but omg suju in tokyo... may 12 and 13th?!?!?!? LOOK AT MY BIRTHDAY. BEST BIRTHDAY PRESENT Y/Y?

*just checked* so the price for the sg concert and tokyo concert is around the same ($1000), thought it was $600 for sg XDD hm... i think tokyo might be nicer for a weekend trip, but i'll be spending a lot more in comparison (sg tickets can be like.. 1500 return in comparison to 4000+ for tokyo).... but it's my birthday... but what if i'm sick of them by then? judging by the dates tho, i don't think the europe leg will be this half of the year so i should be fine with a sept onwards uk leg (if i get in and can go ;__; )

oh well we'll see how it goes :3 more on politics!!

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singapore, japan, super junior

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