(no subject)

Jan 11, 2012 22:02

i've neglected LJ again ;_____; not much has happened really, so let's do it in point form again!

-OMG LOOK AT THIS LOOK AT THIS LOOK AT THIS LOOK AT THIS. O______O <-- reg is tempted face. it's... kinda doable, i have relatives/friends in SG for a night's stay, tiger airways return is like... <$1500? the ticket itself doesn't seem that bad... so it's doable, but SO I REALLY WANT TO DO A QUICK TRIP TO SG JUST FOR SUJU????
i think i might end up just... hoping they announce a HK leg/europe leg soon? might be easier to plan around that.... BUT STILL OMG SO TEMPTING.

-CONGRATULATIONS TO phantomphan1990 FOR GETTING INTO CAMBRIDGE!!! hopefully i get into imperial/i can go as well, so we can meet up in UK!!!! :DDDD i still need my HP dvd by the way XD

-i've actually started my applications for masters!! it's been a slow process, but at least i've got the notes down... i have no idea what they mean by like.. the non-scientific context of a (newspaper) article though... what the role of the article is in the newspaper, other than science? such confusing wording ;______;

uk, harry potter, singapore, help?, cambridge, uni apps, super junior

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