(no subject)

Dec 23, 2011 22:01

i was going to delay this post, but i figured if i did then i'll never make it XDD;;;

CLAMP's wedding dress is out!! :D
as the comments say, it's really not something you would wear as a mature adult, but a kid would really like it... which means, yes i kinda like it.
the stars are just *___________* i don't particularly approve of the puffiness as in the design drawing, but it doesn't seem as exaggerated in the actual product, and if the train was longer and didn't end like a swallowtail i would definitely like it more.
also not too sure about the collar section, but it does look pretty cool and non-traditional...
and the sleeves are just..... *has a thing against those kind of sleeves*

which leads me onto bunnylysis's post about my dream wedding XD;;

to be honest, i've never given it much thought... just something simple, and as long as everyone has good fun? i find the "games" common amongst wedding celebrations here kinda cheap, but they are amusing... also making a banquet for like 100000 people is over-doing it... so i guess, nice simple max 50 (maybe 70?) people sorta thing...
in terms of the dress (yes, that's the only bit i've really kinda thought of XD), i definitely want something like sakura's dress in the second movie. the whole thing just made me fall in love with that sort of asymmetric cut? i'm not saying it has to be like that exactly, but that sorta stuff would look nice....
then... definitely want a honeymoon. i love travelling too much to not want one :P where to, i haven't thought of yet, but definitely somewhere i can enjoy being busy being a tourist and shopping etc, at the same time somewhere i can relax when i want... so maybe japan? tokyo + kyoto or something? haven't given that much thought...
in all honesty, my brain went straight to how to raise a kid and missed the whole marriage+pregnancy phase

future!reg, clamp

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