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Jul 03, 2011 08:28

hey guys! long time (??) no see! :D

life has been kinda hectic/messy since my last post, so let's do a quick update :D

so after the x japan concert, i had to continue packing and moving stuff over to Kaze's on wednesday... then it was time to head over to china town for a meet up with the anime society bunch ;____; we went for assa, then headed off to trocadero for BUMPER CARS!!!!!! I really wanted to play bumper cars (haven't played it in ages...), but it turns out since I can't drive and everyone else in the soc was ganging up on me (and we had taken... 6? 7? in total) i was stuck trying to drive forward (ended up going in circles most of the time) but getting crashed into. was not fun, but still fun :D

then there was car racing, DDR, dessert and all the other fun stuff we do (?) as a soc :D i'm really going to miss everyone if i don't get to stay in london for another year (although that's just delaying the final good bye for another year...) :( feels like most of my london life was around the anime soc bunch so life without them will be so boring :(

thursday was just hard core LET'S FUCKING MOVE EVERYTHING IN OR ELSE WE'RE SCREWED -packing. we finally finished at around 1 or 2am (wasn't dangerous at all, since i was just moving it 5 minutes down the road) and had my final china house take away!!

...which ended up in me and kaze getting a stomach ache the next day. but friday was just simple shower, laundry, pack all of that into a bag, move stuff over, check out of flat, done with my flat forever! we just sat around for a bit, went to koba for lunch, then assa for a second lunch (we decided since neither of us were gonna have anything filling until a lot later at night we might as well have 2 lunches together) and finally went up to camden to look at kaze's new flat! it's quite a big flat, and they had new carpet/repainted the walls etc, so it looked more like a new flat than anything else!

then i just went back to do some last minute computer stuff, and off we went to the airport :3 the tube ride was quite long coz there was problems on the picadilly line and the bag drop queue was just stupidly long... but got it all done and finally left london to hong kong ;__;

and since then, i haven't done much except for eat and sleep :D

uk, anime society, hong kong

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