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Jun 29, 2011 03:31

really tired now, but if i don't write this now i never will.
went to the x japan concert today, and OMG IT WAS BRILLIANT.

i was in the stalls/standing/moshpit and it wasn't fun at all (got stepped on 10000000000 of times, kept on thinking there was going to be a stampede/trampling problem, idiots were being idiots), but i got to see YOSHIKI AND TOSHI AND PATA AND HEATH AND SUGIZO LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i was around row 5 (moved to like... 10 or 15 half way through because i couldn't stand the pushing and shoving) at the start and the end, and couldn't see much but when i did omg *____*

the opening act was bleh, and the long wait was cold, but it was definitely worth it! before it disappears in the abyss of twitter, the setlist is here :D they did a few of my favourite songs so i'm happy and to be honest they wouldn't do my most favourite songs (tears and crucify my love might be a bit too depressing...) but they PUT IV AND X IN!!! i know not putting X in an x japan concert is kinda weird but it's the first time i've seen their concert so XD;;

yoshiki had so many screams and cheering i felt bad and kept on screaming toshi (kept on making it sound like tosshi from gintama..) instead :3 and i was so scared yoshiki was going to collapse ;_;

there's a DVD of it coming out, possibly of the whole live tour so i'll pray for it to come out soon so i can buy download get it!! :D

x japan

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