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Dec 18, 2010 12:45

long time no update :D

so last week of term.... monday was epic, was revising for my biochem test at 2pm, and a few e-mails got exchanged (2 received, 1 sent) then at 12pm it was announced the test was postponed. which was quite a "...what" moment. meant i didn't need to revise for biochemistry, but i couldn't be bothered to start my literature project...

so i went to try and exchange a dress i bought online coz it was too big... turns out if you want to get it exchanged at a store the stores need to have it in stock. but the reason why i bought it online (i HATE buying things online) was because they didn't have it in stores orz so i returned it, only to get back and find out i can't order the smaller size now because they ran out of stock ;____; IT WAS STILL AROUND A FEW DAYS AGO (THEN), DAMN IT.

my lit project was due in on wednesday. started on tuesday, then just worked through the afternoon/evening/morning until around 6am. had a nap, woke up and continued to work :D as something i started so late it's not too bad, and considering i had no idea what could i base my literature project around, yeah it was okay. the limits were 1000-2000 words draft + max 500 word synopsis, which i did around half of each. so that wasn't too bad :3

after that, i've just had nothing to do in particular. went out on thursday to assa 2 (korean *__*) for the society's end of term dinner then went to eat frozen yoghurt (hands died). friday was just last lunch in term 1 with my friends, so we went to some expensive-for-students restaurant and had f-ing good okonomiyaki ♥ then i got back and started to want to go shopping...

and now it is/was snowing like CRAZY. it's not that bad now, but omg when i woke up it was like... WOW. ♥ it's good stuff, considering i was gonna go to winter wonderland today. think the snow might look disgusting when we get there tho..

and that's about all that's planned. going to see a dodgy movie tonight (it's called big tits zombie orz...), have an event to host tmr (!!!), committee meeting on monday, shopping on tuesday, then flying on wednesday! :D *busy busy busy*

bai ga-ness, anime society, uni :o, hk, uk, weather, uni :), online shopping sucks, travelling

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