(no subject)

Nov 16, 2008 08:56

so, my 'epic' tale of why i disappeared from the internet for the weekend (?). more like a recount, so i can remember what happened in future >:(

on friday at around... 7:20pm? i was checking how much of the internet limit i had left. in all the intercollegiate halls (the type i'm in. it's basically where people from any university of london college can stay in) there's a 7.0GB limit per week, and if you pass it you get thrown into the crappy network. i was checking my limit yeah, then i saw i was at 6.9GB. so of course i was completely "SHIT :|||||||" and so unplugged my internet cable when i turned off my computer. then i left my room coz i was gonna watch blood wedding at 7:30pm and didn't go back until around 9:30~10:00pm after the play finished.

i didn't replug my cable or anything, and absolutely didn't touch said cable until this morning, when i needed to plug it back in to post the gundam00 raws. i even set everything to the lowest setting and all, so it wouldn't take up the 0.1GB i had left.

so half an hour ago, when i plugged it back in and loaded internet explorer, this comes up (not exact, but still approx what it said):

Your connection was throttled to 128Kbps (16KBytes/s) at 20:00 Friday 14/11/2008 because you exceeded your 7.0GB weekly cap. You will be eligible for this restriction to be removed around 21:00 Friday 21/11/2008"


as you remember, i was watching blood wedding from 7:30pm. and i can assure you i didn't miss any of it. so how did i use 0.1GB in my own room when i wasn't there? oh i don't know...

i'm going to deal with this hong kong style, can call+complain tomorrow morning 8DD

uni :(, uni :), lj-addict, gundam00

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